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Episode 228: Podcast - 75 Hard

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 22, 2022

Show Notes

In this episode of Discount Property Investor David and Mike will talk about the 75 hard, a "MENTAL TOUGHNESS PROGRAM" and how this would change you as an individual. CONSISTENCY is the name of the game for a proper mindset and success. Check out the best CRM for Real Estate Investing in

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Episode Transcripts

Welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. Our mission is to share what we have learned from our experience and the experience of others to help you make more money investing like a pro. We want to teach you how to create wealth by investing in real estate, the discount property investor way. To jumpstart your real estate investing career, visit, the most complete free course on wholesaling real estate ever. Thanks for tuning in.

David: Alright guys, welcome back. Today, Mike and I are going to be talking about mindset and flipping houses and 75 Hard, which I'm sure at this point you guys have all heard of or people doing it which is a pretty awesome mental toughness program. Mike, you were the one yesterday that said, hey, we're going to be doing this and I jumped on board kind of like halfway through the day and I ended up getting my day in.

Mike: Yeah, that's why- and that's why I like being partnered with you Dave because this is the 75 Challenge- or 75 Hard challenge if you're not familiar with it, it's basically like a mental marathon of diet, exercise, and I'm like hey I'm gonna be doing this for the next 75 days and this is around lunchtime or 1 o'clock and Dave's like all right, I'm in. Like cool, I got to drink a gallon of water a day? All right I better get going.

David: Better start, better start right now.

Mike: Yeah, I mean it's- so yeah, that's why I love being partnered with you, Dave. Your mindset is always let's do it. Whatever the next big challenge is, you're ready to tackle it and that's awesome.

David: Ready to go. It's funny cause you were like: download the app and I'm like, I've had it for two weeks. Haven't used it but I've had it on my phone cause I was curious.

Mike: Yeah, okay so-

David: Let's talk about 75 Hard and how it relates to mindset. I'm gonna let you take the wheel here because you know a little bit more about it than I do. I'm one day in, I know you are too but you guys had set up the Facebook group that we have with a couple local investors in.

Mike: Yeah.

David: So we have an accountability group and I think that that's really one of the reasons that I was, you know, so excited to jump in. It wasn't just like, you know me and you, not that would have mattered but we have a group at this point of like 15, 16, 17 people, they all started yesterday and again there's accountability and I think that kind of relates a lot to you know, having a coach as well too like we're basically, you know, all accountable to everybody in the group so that's really where I'm at. So let's start with what is 75 Hard and why are we doing it?

Mike: Absolutely. So 75 Hard and again, I am not an expert on it because I didn't really look into it that much before I said, alright I'm gonna do it. I saw a couple people post on Facebook like a couple of friends of mine or acquaintances that said hey the 75 Hard challenge and you know, every day I'd- every few days I'd see a post, they're like oh 75 Hard. So I was like oh that's interesting. So Corey Boyles is a local real estate investor here. Corey, shout out to you buddy, thank you so much for putting this together for us and inspiring us to participate in it. He did it and he looks great and he said he felt great and he felt like trash when he stopped doing it because he went back to his old ways of, you know, kind of eating junk and drinking alcohol and you know just was not working, it's just not a winning strategy for life and success and everything like that. So anyways, so he put this group together and the the idea is that everyone does it, there's no cheats on 75 Hard, so the program- and I can't tell you everything about it cuz again, I haven't researched it but it's Andy Frisella, I don't know how to say his name. Dave you probably are familiar with him as well.

David: Yeah, Andy Frisella.

Mike: Yeah, so he's the, I think he's the CEO of Supplement Superstore and the- what's his podcast? The motherfucking CFO or CEO or something like that.

David: Yeah, yeah.

Mike: So that's his podcast and on there I think that's where he kind of came up with this or posted this for the first time and the challenge goes something like this: you've got 75 days, you have to follow the following rules: you have to get 2 workouts in a day that are 45 minutes long and one of them is supposed to be outdoors for his, you know, doing it strict. You take a progress picture everyday so take a selfie everyday, you have to drink a gallon of water. You have to follow a diet and again, I'm sure that they elaborate on a diet a little bit more specifically, it can't be just a diet of Cheetos I imagine but it's follow a diet and then it's no cheat meals or alcohol and that's for all 75 days. So what makes this challenge particularly hard is if you mess up, you start over on day one, so it's not- it's not a 75 day challenge if you mess up, it starts over.

David: 75 consistent days.

Mike: Yes, 75 days in a row of doing all this, that's the idea yeah like so if you mess up, you're back to day one. So yeah, Dave's drinking some water, some protein, right?

David: Yeah this is gonna be a challenge man, this is a challenge. So, I like the app because it's basically and I don't know if you guys can see or not but it's basically just a checklist and I'm like, I live off of checklists. My whole life is a checklist. So basically each day it's workout 1, workout two, take a progress picture, 10 pages of reading. Drink 1 gallon of water, follow a diet and then no cheat meals or alcohol. So, the whole diet is pretty broad but I kind of like that cuz this is a pretty tough challenge anyway so you pick your own diet and that I would imagine could be anything really, as long as it's a healthier choice than what you're currently doing, so you have to follow it and then I like the no cheat meals or alcohol. So depending on what the diet consists of, you can't be cheating on that diet, right? No alcohol as well, and then of course take the progress pics. So, none of these are really that hard in my opinion, individually, but when you start stacking them on top of each other, it's pretty- that's a pretty difficult challenge. So I'm over on their website right now and it says this 75 Hard is a transformative mental toughness program. All right, so, you know, this is truly a mental toughness thing like working out twice a day, 45 minutes apiece or even doing one hour and a half work out if half of it's outside, I would think would count essentially, that's not necessarily that hard but again, when you start stacking, drink a gallon of water, follow a diet, no drinking or cheating on your meals, reading the ten pages, that doesn't seem that hard but consistently that's going to be tough and then taking a progress pic. So, I love that they have an app, it's going to make this so much easier and I think it's going to make it a lot more fun to partake in this because there's a simple way to track everything and then the progress picture doesn't seem like it would be that- like it would matter but it's gonna cuz if you're able to stick to this 75 days, I mean even if you're already thin and cut and trim, you're just going to look even better, right? So the ability to be able to track it, I think you know, is going to be very very cool. So, mental toughness, I'm excited. We started yesterday, today is literally day number two and we're off man, 75 hard. So one of the things that I really like about this though is we preach when were talking to our students about consistency and really consistency in my opinion is one of the most important things to achieve success, no matter what you're doing guys. If you're flipping houses, well then you need to be consistency- consistent with your marketing, with you're making of your offers and you're following up, period, right? If you wanted to become a doctor or a lawyer, right? You need to be consistent at taking the right classes and the right schooling to get there. Everything in life is about consistency. If you are lonely and you are trying to find a spouse, well you better find somebody and meet them and consistently be nice to them and consistently take them on dates if you're going to try to court them, right? Everything is about consistency and this program here is just going to reinforce consistency so I love this list of things, I may go one step further and add one more item to this list of you know maybe consistently putting out content, you know, or consistently making a 5 or 10 minute video about something that I did that day, maybe a vlog or something along those lines because I'm already following a checklist right? And I'm already going to be working out and drinking a bunch of water and eating healthy, I might as well make a 75 day challenge to myself to add one little item on that. I know a lot of people do this, they'll add one item to it like they need to- I followed the Paula girl that works over there and I think one of hers was that she needed to go meet somebody new every day, introduce herself, so I like that, you know? It's simple, it doesn't take a lot of time but it's an extra item added to this list. So, consistency is the name of the game guys. I mean, that's really where it's at. I'm excited to join this and I really- I'm really grateful that we have an accountability group as well.

Mike: Yeah, looking forward to it, it's fun. Yesterday so I- how am I going to squeeze in two workouts today, obviously busy, got a kid at home, got this job you know, work, you know, as much as I want. It's early, I got to wake up early before everything gets going for the day or I'm not going to be able to squeeze the second one in and again, that's a mental block that I won't be able to but that's why, hey get going. I'm awake most days, I'm just groggy and not doing anything so I said alright this is a great challenge. I'm going to wake up early and I'm going to work out for 45 minutes before I do anything else for the day and the first day I was excited about it, I was up at 3:30, 3:30am.

David: Yesterday?

Mike: Yesterday I was up at 3:30 a m bro. I left the house, went to the gym, worked out for 45 minutes. It was too early because I got back and then I still had to kill some time before the rest of the morning started. So again, 4 am is kind of my wake-up call, I mean, that's when I'm going to start getting up. I've seen so many posts about CEO's like Elon Musk and Tim Cook and the likes of those who get up and one of the things in common is they all get up early, they focus on themselves before the hustle and the bustle of the day begins, so that's really my challenge to myself is to get up and actually get going and doing productive things, doing the hard things first so that I can start my foot. In the past I've looked at the miracle morning. Dave, I don't know if you're familiar with that one, Hal Elrod.

David: Yeah, I've got that book and I've given that a try.

Mike: Yeah.

David: It's hard, it's- it's- you know what? I think that miracle morning is a great thing, it's consistency. Consistency wasn't there. If I had that consistency, I think that would be a great thing.

Mike: Yeah, and that's what it's all the same stuff, it's just a matter of doing it and how you frame it in your mind. This is- this is another thing, so we're talking about mindset and we'll talk about framing it in your mind. I was at GNC on Sunday because I wanted to get my body fat and you know my weight and height, all that stuff and get some multivitamins, you know get- get- again, I really wanted the measurements. I wanted the body fat measurement. I'll tell you after the challenge what it was but I said to one of the guys working there, he's like oh yeah, I've done the 75 Hard and he's you know, one of the big guys that works at a supplement store. He's in the gym all the time and I said oh yeah, I'm going to give it a try and he said, no no no dude, that's wrong, you're not trying it, you're doing it and I was like dude, you're absolutely right. It's that language that matters. It's that mindset where if you give yourself even just the slightest excuse to not do it, you probably are going to let yourself out of it. It's not try, I'm not going to try to do the 75 Hard challenge, I'm going to do it. If you say I'm going to try to wholesale, guess what? You probably aren't going to be as successful as the guy sitting next to you who says I'm going to wholesale.

David: Oh yeah, a hundred percent agree with that.

Mike: It's all in the mindset that you have to just make up your mind what you're going to do in fitness, in health, in life, in business. Just do it. I mean Dave and I keep kinda rambling on about that. We have failed together as many times as I can remember failing individually prior to it. We've taken so many [inaudible] and gone in so many different directions and said that doesn't work and we keep coming back and we do the same things consistently with our marketing and again, we- again, I consider ourselves pretty successful at5 this point because again, we're very good at failing. I know it's silly but we are, we're pretty good at failing and I think that makes us successful.

David: Yeah, I'm with you man. I think consistency really is the name of the game no matter what and again, I'm really excited to have the accountability group. I really think that the accountability group is the main reason that I was excited to join because consistency is hard on your own. It's very difficult, right? and having a coach- I mean I have a fitness coach already, right? I have a real estate coach already and these people, you know, hold me accountable to doing marketing or to get my ass in the gym, right? and having the accountability group of everybody else that's also doing this, I'm gonna call it a challenge because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get through this the first time around. I mean, this is 75 days. It's hard as shit in my opinion so I think having the group is going to be really really helpful. I'm looking on the website right now Mike and it looks like there is a book that he wrote as well '75 Hard: a tactical guide to winning the war with yourself'. There's obviously the iPhone app, looks like there's a Google app as well too. So, the iPhone and Android app and then there's some different Facebook groups that looks like that he has for 75 Hard as well, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and then it looks like there's a podcast too. Listen to the 75 Hard podcast, so there's a couple different resources on here that I'm going to definitely be diving into over the next couple of days as well but really just downloading the app and just following the directions is all that's needed to get going with this right away, which is cool. You don't need to go get a book or listen to the podcast, just go to 75 I believe or actually it's and there's a 75 Hard on there.

Mike: Yah. I think if you just Google that 75 Hard is gonna come up.

David: You're gonna find it, yeah. Absolutely.

Mike: Yeah, so it's exciting. Again, I think Dave and I are pretty excited. We always- well and I know I personally have gone through where I've done like the whole 30 and I was like ah, I've lost like 15, 20 pounds but then I didn't stick with it and I've gone for pretty much all of 2019 I would say. I was working out very very consistently but I wasn't dieting too. I wasn't following a strict diet.

David: Man 2020 has been a doozy.

Mike: Yeah.

David: This year has freaking sucked, right? There really hasn't been all that much good that has come out of this year. We've had the pandemic, businesses have shut down completely if not closed their doors for four to six months, the government's I mean writing trillions of dollars worth of stimulus checks, the unemployment's through the roof. I mean, this year has just sucked and Mike, you had mentioned, I didn't mean to cut you off, but you had mentioned earlier like you were looking at you know, your phone app or what it was and you were like I haven't been to the gym in 4 months whatever, man I'm with you, I'm with you. Sometimes it's hard and this year alone hasn't helped, right? Everything-

Mike: This year was the catalyst Dave, that's my point. In March- March was the last time I went then the whole Corona thing was happening and gyms shut down so there was a good two months when the gyms were closed so I mean, you really couldn't go and I altered my behavior.  I was so consistent in going to the gym, every 3-4 days a week before I came into work and I just got out of that routine. I started doing a little bit of running at home but [audio cut] as before so it was just a- yeah, I mean, it's 2020. I mean, it is what it is. So, that was my point and now again, the gyms are open, can't shower so definitely be coming in here in the studio stinking it up with you every once in awhile Dave. What are you going to do though, man? You got to squeeze that workout in and keep going. Yeah, so that's exactly where I'm at, really excited to keep doing this and I think you and I are both looking forward to next year already cuz we got some big things we're working on or trying to get in the pipeline.

David: That's right. Guys, check out 75 Hard, it's a great mental toughness program. You- you're guaranteed to get fit if you go through this program just because of the amount of working out, the diet that you're sticking to, the amount of water that you're drinking. As I say it, Mike's slamming water as we go here. You're guaranteed to come out of this a better person than you went in. Maybe you're not going to lose a hundred pounds, so what right? You're going to come out of this a better person because of the consistency, the discipline and of course the health that come along with all of these things in there. Another thing I was thinking about last night Mike is you know, one of the things was, is it read 10 pages or was it read for 10 minutes? It's 10 pages of reading. 10 pages of reading, you know, and another way to do that would be write 10 pages, right? So Mike and I, we already have two books, we're working on our third book right now. You know, I was thinking I'm going to modify that a little bit to say either read 10 pages or write/edit 10 pages, right? I mean, this could be a perfect opportunity to put another book out, you know? Just by having that as the task, so I'm not suggesting this too much but if you're going to do it and it's going to be a benefit to you, why not? Right? I mean what I suggest is not removing items, it's adding items, right? And you know if you can read 10 pages or let's say you can go write 10 pages or write a couple pages and read the difference, I mean that's just gonna be more that you have layer so like, this is a great opportunity for us over the next 75 days to put out our fourth book. Think of it that way right?

Mike: I like that idea.

David: A lot of opportunities here guys, a lot of opportunities.

Mike: No, we should definitely add content, I like your idea of adding, you know, a 10 minute video or just adding content in there, that's easy.

David: Yeah, as you through your checklist, right? So of you get through everything at 4 p.m. and you're like, wow, that was great. It's like okay, well now I know I need to do something for the business at this point.

Mike: Well, and that's one thing. I love the app, I'm using it too. That I don't like you can't edit it and I'm sure there's a reason for that. You know again, that's his program and he wants to keep it I imagine and that's the whole idea is no, you don't edit it, this is what it is. So I like that but it would be nice to be able to add in an extra item on there you know, like you just said.

David: Yeah, but you don't have to have it on there though, just know it.

Mike: You don't, you don't, yeah yeah yeah. Hey Dave, what else were we talking about big changes coming up this year. I wanted to kind of think about some things that we're doing. We were talking about our new CRM, you want to talk a little bit about that today as well?

David: Yeah, yeah, we can talk about it briefly. So we're in the process of moving leads over right now. Basically to kind of fill everybody in, we use Podio for our acquisition side of our business. We use REI blackbook for the disposition side of our business and REI blackbook's great for dispositions they're actually pretty good as well for the acquisitions. It's just very very very robust and that could be a good thing and a bad thing, and lately Mike and I both have just kind of decided that less is more and we're going to continue using REI blackbook, don't get that confused, with the dispositions but instead of moving our Podio, which is where we do our current wholesale and you know, house flipping business acquisition side in, instead of moving that into REI blackbook, we've decided to take another route and we're going to get rid of Podio, and we're going to move the acquisition side of the business over to and their software is actually called 'Touch' and the cool thing I really like about it is it's very simple, right? It has the ability to do automated follow-ups, it has the ability to help run comps and determine our MAO, it has the ability to send offers with e-signature. Of course, what is the main thing of any CRM? Well, it's notes and tasks so it has that in there as well.

Mike: Just hold on Dave, I gotta- it doesn't just have notes and tasks in there, it's basically centered around notes and tasks in my opinion.

David: That's- okay boom. That's something that I didn't even think of but that's one of the main things that we always preach to our students right? Is that it's all about notes and tasks, notes and tasks. What happened on this call? What needs to happen next and when, right? So those are your notes and then your tasks is literally just a reminder to call that person back or follow up or whatever it may be, and most CRM's aren't designed around notes and tasks, and that's why we've stuck with Podio for literally 5 going on 6 years is because it's a CRM that in my opinion is built around the notes and tasks, the most important part. Like I don't want to be in a CRM and have to go search for my notes or my tasks. That's the number one thing that should come up and that was again, one of the main reasons Mike, you're absolutely right, that we decided to go with them because their CRM is literally built around notes and tasks, everything else is extra in my opinion. I mean, all you really need is notes and tasks, so when you have a million bells and whistles and all this other stuff, it's great but I don't want to have to go to a boot camp to learn my software. I want to be able to import my leads, turn on the on button for automated marketing and start adding new leads and then immediately go over to my tasks and figure out what needs to happen next, right? When you have all these additional things and you have to learn how to use a software, it's actually counter-productive in my opinion, right? You shouldn't have to learn a software that you're going to be using to follow up with your leads. Yeah, you may be a little learning curve, an hour or maybe two hours but you shouldn't have to dedicate an entire weekend to just learn how to import leads or add a lead or how to navigate right? So I think one of the things that I really like about it is it is robust in the amount of, you know, things that it does but at the same time, they keep it very very very simple. So, Mike and I have been in the business for 6 years, I mean really more like 15 if you count all of my passive investing, and you know, having a CRM is something that I've had since day one, but whenever we're looking at like coaching students, right? And we're saying hey, you know, this is what we do, this is what you should do. In the past over the last couple of years, we've actually been saying here's what we do with Podio, but don't do this, go find a CRM that you can end with because this, it was a solution for us that's worked really well but moving out of it is going to be a huge pain in the butt and we don't necessarily want to do that and we don't want you to do that either. So another one of the main reasons that we're making this move is because you know, we don't want to be hypocrites, we don't want to say hey, this is what I do, but you shouldn't do that and I don't look at myself that way by any means, I do it with the intention of good obviously, but you know a CRM shouldn't take up your entire week or multiple weeks to learn. It's just something that you should be able to implement in a couple hours so making this move I think's gonna be very very helpful, not only to our business Mike but it's also going to help our coaching efforts by saying hey, here's what we use, it's very very simple, we want you to use it too and [inaudible] just like that.

Mike: One of the reasons I was really excited about it, I mean Dave, you've shopped software's much more than I have and Dave is always saying hey, let's try this one, let's try this one and I'm like, well Dave we've got lots of leads in Podio, we can't just jump ship, you know, I'm kind of- I put the brakes on him at least once or twice in the past year on switching CRM's.

David: Probably once a week.

Mike: Yeah, so I've tapped the brakes a couple times, but when I looked at this one, he said Mike we have to switch to it and he was very very adamant so I looked at it and I'll be honest, I was blown away. It does everything that we- I don't even know how to describe it.

David: Well let's put it this way [inaudible]-

Mike: The amount of times Dave and I have failed in the past. We had tried to create basically a comping service and we tried to build out a little website and all this stuff failed, didn't work, no big deal, keep moving on. This basically- what did I say? I said this is the correct way to build the website, like it looked good, it has a easy-to-use user interface, the decision trees from like when a seller becomes a lead and when it goes from lead to contract to making offer to process, like all those steps are in the correct order, in the correct sequence where you think they should be for almost anyone who is doing any direct to seller market. It just blew me away, so I'm very happy Dave that you were as excited as you were about this one and yeah, I definitely, I share that enthusiasm so I'm looking forward to getting in there.

David: Thank you, thank you. Yeah, one of the main things that I thought was really cool was that they already have your automated following sequence, they have templates, right? So you can go in and you can build your own or even modify theirs, but I think that's one of the main things that puts people into analysis paralysis or requires them to go to a boot camp, like to learn it right? Well, instead of having to sit down and try to figure out the best solution, use one of the templates that they have for follow up. Those templates are proven, right? They're constantly making those temples better and tweaking them, so that's one of the cool things that I thought is like I don't have to go in and try to build out this automated follow-up of a text message or an email or an RVM or you know, and then put the number of days out or whatever. It's already designed for you that way so you literally just import your lead and click one button and boom, they're added to an automated sequence of messaging and emailing and voicemails and whatever it may be, and every campaign has its own phone number, so you don't have to like go into a phone system app and get a number and then go into your campaigns app and then try to figure out how to link those together, no, it's campaign phone, it's altogether one thing. So if you want a new phone, guess what? You're getting a new campaign, but you should have a new campaign for a new phone number, right? So everything is designed off of just simplicity, so if I do some marketing in one campaign, that message is going to come back via that number in that campaign to that lead, so it's also going to start helping track our KPI's a lot better. Now Mike, we've probably spent- I'm not saying this to brag by any means but we've probably spent 15 or 20 grand on Podio over the last 5 years, you know, hiring developers to come in and adding automations or KPI's or- see the thing about Podio folks if you don't know is Podio's the front end of it and it's basically, I think it's a Citrix- Citrix owned company at this point and they have a back end called GlobiFlow so again, it adds a layer of confusion. You have Podio on the front end, you have GlobiFlow on the back end. Now, if you want to automate additional things, you have to go get Zapier and if you want to have esign, you got to get RightSignature. If you want to be able to send text messages, you're going to need Twillow and Zapier so you're talking about 5 or 6 or 7 different softwares to build a decent CRM, not a kick ass one but a decent one whereas you don't need any of that in this new one, right? So we're going to essentially be able to eliminate Podio. We're going to eliminate GlobiFlow, we're going to eliminate RightSignature, we're going to eliminate Zapier and we're going to eliminate Twillow which is going to be sweet. So we're going to basically have one software. Now, we may use Zapier and Twillow for other things in our business of course but for the initial CRM, we're going to be able to eliminate all that stuff so I'm just really excited because less is more and I find that whenever I have less things on my list to do, I'm way more efficient at the things that are on my list, but also I'm more excited to jump in and work leads when I know that I don't have this backlog of tasks and to do's. So you know, one of the things that I thought was the coolest about this is a) it's very very simple, but b) you know, setting all this stuff up doesn't take hours or days, it takes minutes so I'm just really really pumped about that and again Mike, you know, pushing a student towards something that we're not doing, you know, is something that I struggle with so I'm not going to have that struggle anymore, hopefully by the end of this week we'll have everything completely moved over and imported and yeah, it's gonna be great man, I'm super pumped.

Mike: Yeah, so why is it taking us so long is because we've been doing this for 5 years and we have, I don't know Dave, what is it? like a hundred thousand or so different leads in our system and then we've got 20 thousand-

David: Yeah, we have about a hundred thousand contacts which I don't plan on moving all those over, but we do have I'd say somewhere around- I'd say between eight and ten thousand leads in our system and what I mean by leads are people that are in the follow-up, like they're not marked dead, we're not moving any of that stuff over of course. These people are, we've either made an appointment with him already, we've sent them an offer already or they've raised their hand to say hey, I'm interested in selling and we probably already talked to him on the phone and given them a price range and it maybe didn't work, but we didn't mark the lead as dead yet. So basically we have- I don't know the exact number yet cuz we're still in the process of exporting everything out of Podio as we're importing it into REI Touch or, but I'd say we're somewhere realistically maybe 8, maybe- about 8 thousand leads that we're going to be moving over. Here is one of the coolest parts Mike, we're moving over 8 thousand leads, we're going to move over all the notes and all the tasks on all 8 thousand leads, and all 8 thousand of those have a task for us to call that person back at some point in the future, right? Well, we're going to be able to flip one switch when we get these all imported.

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Phone: +1Ā (314) 254-8830

Email:Ā  [email protected]