Real Estate Blog & Podcast

Episode 269: 150K A Month - Short Term Rentals with George Salas

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 23, 2022

Show Notes

In today’s episode, David Dodge is with a special guest, George Salas. George did a $150k gross Airbnb revenues last month. If you are interested in real estate or just getting started in making deals, listen to this episode and connect with George Salas.

Things that will cover in this episode:

  • When and how George get started in real estate?
  • George’s rental portfolio
  • Short-term rentals
  • Marketing Process
  • Tools
  • George’s Program and Training

Service Mentioned:

Transcript Episode:

Welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. Our mission is to share what we have learned from our experience and the experience of others to help you make more money investing like a pro. We want to teach you how to create wealth by investing in real estate, the discount property investor way. To jumpstart your real estate investing career, visit, the most complete free course on wholesaling real estate ever. Thanks for tuning in.

David: Hey guys, welcome back to the discount property investor podcast. I am your host David Dodge. Today I am joined by a special guest George Salas and this guy is the king of Airbnb's, guys. He did $150,000 in gross Airbnb revenues last month. Holy cow. George, welcome to the show.

George: David, thank you for the warm welcome and I appreciate that, appreciate you having me brother. So I'm excited to be here man. Let's talk some shop and talk money man.

David: Let's talk shop. Man, I actually got a chance to meet George down in Florida. Oh man, it was probably about two months ago. I was at networking like the mastermind-type event. Can't stress enough guys on how important it is to get out of your comfort zone and go to some of these real estate events. I would have never been able to meet George if I had not done that, so I'm just super honored and I'm grateful for your time today George and I'm just honored to really have you on the show. Let's jump in bro, 150k?

George: That's right.

David: Holy cow. Now, this is short term rentals is what you're focusing on.

George: That's right, yeah. So we've got a portfolio over around 40, and a 120 of those came from our 19 houses, right? So we've got 19 houses and the remaining are apartments that we didn't lease or arbitrage and we talk about that in just a little bit.

David: Sure.

George: But houses are our gravy- is our bread and butter and we really focus on single family residential homes that are bringing us anywhere between 7 and 14 thousand dollars a house a month which is incredible.

David: Wow, okay I missed that. How many properties are you leasing right now?

George: We do both methods, we purchase and-

David: I mean- I mean leasing out to rent short-term

George: Oh about 40.

David: 40, holy cow. That is- you said about 19 of those are singles, single families.

George: That's it.

David: So about half. Wow, that's amazing. So, 40 is a lot but at the end of the day, it's not- it's not really that many, right? Like are you trying to grow it? Or what are you thinking? I know it's a lot because there's a lot of operations behind it. I have 51 but they're not short terms, they're long-term. It's way different. I don't own, you know, 40 couches and loveseats and rugs and spatulas and all those things, right? I just have the house and I lease them so, wow that's amazing.

George: David so yeah, we've got 40 and it is a lot of work. We have 6 virtual assistants on this side to 12 total, 6 on education side. We also have- we have- I just brought in a COO to help us scale and the goal is scaling, you know, with our 16 employees.

David: Wow.

George: Team of 16 right now, we operate at a higher level and the reason why we have so many is you know, we've got HR, we have an operations manager, an admin back office, someone outside meeting this guy, a community manager managing the cleaners and several cleaning in house.

David: Love it.

George: [inaudible] 16 come but yes the goal is scaling, but scaling strategically.

David: Right.

George: Scaling at a higher level than we did the first 2 years, right? So we've been doing this for almost 3 years and-

David: So I was going to say let's take a step back here. We hit this in like 150 miles an hour. When did you get started investing in real estate? Let's start with the basics.

George: Absolutely. Quick story, okay. I started my journey when I was 6 in Peru, not knowing any English. I'm sitting here in the living room of my parents house and boom, my mom calls me over and says: George I need to talk to you and your brother. Boom, we go in the room and she's literally leaving my dad. So we moved to a different city, right? So I'm sitting here, no father, didn't get a chance to say bye to my dad. 9 years go by, now I'm in this small-town, I get to see my father again after 9 years and my mom is actually getting married so we moved here, you know, did the online dating thing back in 1998, got married. We moved here to the US, I'm from Peru and then boom, right? I've come here at 15 years old.

David: And where do you live now?

George: I live in Houston brother, yes sir. So come here 19 years old, and boom goes straight into learning English, going to school and I was actually in the nightlife for 10 years as sort of promoter so I know tens of thousands of people so I ran a company for about 10 years and then I open a nightclub, right. Lost my butt completely off in that nightclub. I was investor marketer so that's the way I came into partnership and then all of a sudden our entire portfolio, well our entire nightclub went down- I keep thinking portfolio right? Because we had a- just a bad operation, a bad operator, there's nothing I could do about it, so I was left without nothing, like with nothing. So this is 2017 and this is when I get into real estate and from then, you know, I've done the wholesaling thing, I've flipped so I've got about 80 real estate transactions overall. And in 2018 is when I started to look for rentals.

David: So not that long.

George: No, it was about less than 3 years ago.

David: Hey, you have done amazing to get to 40 in that short a time. That's really really cool. I love it, I love it. So, why short-term rentals George? Let's start there, why would somebody want to do short-term rentals? Obviously, they're going to want 150k in gross revenue a month, right? But why would somebody start with short-term rentals?

George: Well, the reason why I started and the reason why I made it now are two different reasons and I'll break them down for you.

David: Let's hear it.

George: The reason I've originally started, I just wanted enough cash flow so I could create a real estate business where I was flipping, I was wholesaling, right? And that was the goal. My goal today and the reason why today is to build wealth and to create an empire and help and teach other people how to do the same through this new method, cuz when I started showing rentals, it was apartments and they made me okay money, right? They did well. I you know, was making pretty decent money and started- 4 months into the business, I was at 20 apartments and I never made the margins that I'm making now, and it's because with houses, you can make about 10 times the profit, right? In that apartments just because of so many factors and why show it to rentals is the way to go, right? I've built my team and I have a large payroll, but I still am able to pretty much be financially free, right?

David: Yeah.

George: And build and build and build a building.

David: I love it.

George: So now it's a different reason than before, right? But I love the business and I love teaching it to other people too.

David: Man, me too. I love- I love doing these podcasts just for this reason. I'm always learning new things, but I love sharing and helping other people along their own journey as well too man. That's so cool.

George: It feels great.

David: It does, it does. It feels really good. I get tons of the emails and just random social media messages about episodes that we do and people are loving it man. So again, I'm really happy to have you on the show and to have the ability to you know, spread- to spread your message so it's awesome. So, how many of the ones are you- do you own or have like you know, financing on, essentially you own versus the ones that you're kind of sandwiching?

George: I've got about 7 or 8 that I own.

David: Awesome.

George: Whether some of them are going to be JV's with partners that I started with [inaudible] that we converted into long-term financing. Some of them are picked up subject to the mortgage, some of them I picked up just you know, we did the BRRR and what else did we do? We sandwich about 5 or 6, so rental arbitrage, 5 or 6, and then we have 5 sort of JV/with client partners that we are just involved on a some type of joint venture and in [inaudible] we don't really own the real estate, right?

David: Sure.

George: But yeah, that's what our portfolio- and theses are just clients that we work with very closely so it could be students, it could be a partner or a client that has an extra property, so about a third of each strategy, right?

David: Man, I love it and you're- so you're doing multiple things here. Very very cool. So tell us man, what does it take to get to 150 thousand a month in gross revenue? Like if somebody is listening- we have a lot of people that listen to this show that are really new and they're, you know, they're just getting started, maybe trying to get their first deal or they've done a couple deals. Why should one look at short-term rentals? You already mentioned, you know, essentially as much as 10 times the profit on the margin side of things, but why would one you know, want to look at that versus all the other things? cuz there's so many shiny objects in real estate, right? Like you can wholesale, you can fix and flip, you can be the landlord, you can be landlord 2.0 which is what I refer to the short-term guys, right? They're basically making more money doing the same business but there's a little bit more to it of course, but then you can get creative and you can do like lease options and subject 2's and all these different things, right? Why would one want to look you know, deeply into short-term?

George: I tell everyone, I tell people that if you want to create freedom quickly and quicker without having to wait 3-4 months aka when you flip or wholesale, right? You flip 4, 5, 6 months. And when you wholesale, you know, a month to two months to close the deals. I was flipping, I was wholesaling and I still love to, you know, rehab properties and turn them into long-term, you know long-term financing and short term rentals but when you actually want to make an extra 5k a month net and- or maybe 10k a month, you want to add that to your portfolio in addition to what you have going on, right? Or you want to build an empire and do 100 grand a month and net 50 thousand, you know, and you have a little bit more money you know so there's a couple reasons there. You want to create wealth a little bit quicker than long-term rentals with a smaller portfolio to where you don't have to you know, go crazy so 10K a month net is the way to go, right? Anyone can live on $10,000 a month pretty much.

David: Yeah for sure.

George: So that's one way, and then if you want to build massively, you know, and you want to go all bananas, you can also do that with short term rentals just like when we were doing it, we're going bananas, we're going massive, we're going huge, right?

David: You guys are. I mean it's awesome.

George: Yeah, and it's just the beginning so I would not-

David: See, that's why I asked in the very beginning. Where are you going to take this thing to man because 40 is a lot, but it's all about perspective. To the guy that's got 0 or 1 or 3, 40 is a ton, but to the guy that's got 600, it's like 40? bro step it up, but like so you got to look at it both ways, you know what I'm saying? That's why I led with that question and you are doing amazing things bro. Love it, so happy that I got a chance to meet you and learn more about this of course, but I know you're going to double and triple this in the next three to five years, I know it.

George: I appreciate it and when we started, you know, we didn't make the 50% margins that we make now.

David: Right.

George:  Even in the houses that we launched, we're still bringing in 3, 4 thousand dollars making you know, 20, 30 percent and once you tweak and refine, one house could take you to freedom. We're actually, you know, like I call it hey guys, you want to get freedom, we can take you with 5 houses to freedom, right? That's what we're- it's our emblem, our signature, 5 houses to freedom, right? And I think it's a great model man. It's a beautiful model and even you can outsource it and build it to the point that you can from day one not have to be a landlord 2.0 like you said. You could essentially partner with someone like us or build your own co-hosting team, right? They call it co-hosting and then you know, well you could partner with the management company to grow with them, right? And if you go with this strategy, right? And I'm talking about median houses, you know and you know, niche it down to each market to finding the lowest price per square foot, you can build a really nice portfolio, make a lot of money and still pay a management company to 20, 25 percent and still make amazing margins.

David: Amazing margins.

George: So it doesn't have to be you becoming a- or building another job.

David: Yeah, that's the main thing. We all get into real estate for freedom and you know it's very rare that people actually get freedom from real estate, they're just hustling and hustling and hustling so any time that somebody can use real estate to get their time back, I'm a huge fan of, huge, and you just literally described that.

George: Yup. So there's two routes to go: do it yourself and then learn it and you [inaudible] or build massively on an average of $10,000 rows per house. If you're a real estate investor that wants to do something big, outsource everything, and it's still passive.

David: It's still passive. I love it, I love it. Well let's circle back to that towards the end cuz I know that you have a program that you love partnering with people on, right? And teaching and coaching, so we'll talk about that here shortly. Couple quick questions for you. One, where are these properties leased? I know Airbnb's the big one but are there other hubs? And then the second thing is are these properties unique to be in like destination or vacation? Are they local in your market? Are they scattered out throughout the country? Fill me in.

George: 95% of our portfolio's going to be in urban you know, and suburban you know, not vacation. So I'm talking about neighborhoods outside of the main central hub of the city so we're-

David: So are most of yours in Houston then? Near where you live but then let's say 50 miles?

George: You know within 50 miles, that's correct.

David: Sure, yeah.

George: So whatever radius, North, South, West-

David: So you don't have them in South Carolina and North Dakota and Phoenix, right? They're not all over?

George: Not yet. We're-

David: Haha yet, okay cool.

George: Where we are, we are expanding to Phoenix and we've got something cooking with Cory and we're doing Florida too.

David: Sweet, hey I love it man. That's growth right there, that's growth. So right now, they're in your area though, cuz that's what I'd imagine most people would do to start is they would either do one somewhere that they'd want to go visit, right? Give them reason to go to the beach or to go to the mountains or something along those lines, or they would do a couple in their backyard. That's kind of how I would envision most people starting. So with yours, you had said that they're somewhat local. None of these are like beach-themed or are they? or you know what I'm saying, are they just normal houses that are equipped very nicely and/or yeah, how do you equip them? Like what do you guys typically doing whenever you're you know, acquiring a new property regardless if it's a purchase property, if it's a partnership property or if it's a lease property, that's irrelevant in my opinion at this point.

George: So we have a a process, okay? And our process has 5 components, 5 key elements, okay? When we go find a property, we analyze our market. All right so that's number one, and within that market, we see if there is enough supply and demand for us to be able to get what we're looking for, right? So analyze the market and you will analyze what is the most profitable property in that market? Is it a 3 bedroom, 4 bedroom, 5 bedrooms in an apartment? What are the price per square foot? You're analyzing your market on the short term rental side and you're also analyzing the market in the real estate side, okay? So then step number two, we actually create the property itself. We are very focused on understanding the property and learning and we create an avatar around each property and around each guest, so we focus on grabbing properties that already have the amenities we desire that that market wants, right? And we put the number of people at that market wants. When I mean wants, what is the biggest demand? Right? Is it going to be on 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms, 8 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, right? And then third is we focus on design, that's our third component. Design and amenities, these are amenities that are not attached to the structure, these are amenities that could be moved around such as small kitchen appliances, really nice linens in bed. So our amenities are going to be a little bit higher end, right? When we stepped up our game on design and amenities, we saw increase and increase on revenue by 20, 30 percent, right? Number four, we focus on what we call our market, right? And this is your listing strategy, this is your booking strategy and your pricing strategy, right? If you have those down then this is probably the harder one for anyone that wants to start his business and knows absolutely nothing, it takes a little bit longer to learn especially someone that you know, that doesn't like or know much tech so that being our fourth point, and our fifth point of focus is our guest experience and not simply use just a management. What kind of- what do you offer? And that part can be outsourced. So 80% of your success in short term rentals comes before you launch the property which is the four first- first four components, right? So that's how you make your money, making sure you understand what's your market, grabbing the right property with the right design and amenities and the right marketing dialed in-

David: Right.

George: -so you get everything full and booked.

David: Love it. Man, you nailed my question. That was awesome. Where are they typically leasing? Is it Airbnb, HomeAway and VRBO? Those of the big 3 essentially. Yay? Nay?

George: Yeah, we're- I mean VRBO, about 5-10% of our business, Airbnb the remaining and we've kinda gone- we had a direct booking site and we kinda got away from it so we're relaunching that cuz we're partnering up with another PMS, another property manager software, that allows us to dial in the marketing, right? So no matter what you do, unless you start launching ads, right? And we don't do ads yet, you're going to have most of your business come from different platforms so I would say Airbnb number one, VRBO number two and HomeAway/ number three.

David: Nice. Okay, so there's multiple places that they're being leased, and then I would imagine that there's tools that would help manage all that, right? Because if one of them gets booked, the other platforms need to know that hey don't double book, right?

George: Yes, absolutely. So yeah, we have all the tools that we need to make sure that things like that don't happen, right? It all can get a little confusing at first but you don't have to get started like that. You know, if you have, you know, if you have one to five properties for the most part, unless they're in, you know, I would say they're vacation rental-ish properties and even though most of our properties are not on vacation areas, they do have pools and they do have the amenities that you can use and put on VRBO, right?

David: Nice.

George: Cuz VRBO will get the apartments ranked, right? But they will get the houses ranked so we have-

David: Gotcha. So VRBO is really more for the vacation areas then, is that what you're telling me?

George: Vacation properties. Even in the-

David: Properties, got it. So it's like a little apartment building, it's got one unit that's being Airbnb'd probably won't do well on VRBO then? Unless it's like a block from the beach of course, but if it's like out in the middle of Kansas like-

George: That's correct.

David: All right cool. I'm learning stuff man, that's awesome, I had no idea. So Airbnb is really the catch-all then.

George: It is very, very good right now brother just because of covid, right?

David: So that was my next question. Has covid helped or hurted or both?

George: Covid helped houses, homes. Covid hurt apartments that are you know, apartments that-

David: I get that. I can see why, how that would happen and why. Yeah, cuz people are clustered but houses they can get away from other people and/or isolate or just have space. Space is really what covid created, yeah. Yeah, wow that's cool. So, tell us a little bit of the ones that aren't the houses cuz that's what I do typically is houses, right? I buy a house, I fix it up, I rent it out, I take it to a bank and get a refi, pay back my lender, it's called the BRRRR method and I do it over and over and over again. I've done about 130 to a 150 of these and I'm currently sitting on about 51 properties. Right. That's kind of what I do. I wholesale the rest, right? So I keep the best ones and I wholesale the rest. I got one- I actually have two Airbnb's, it's in the same building though so it's one property just 2 units. So my knowledge is very small so tell me a little bit about doing this on you know, the property that's not the single-family which could be a couple different scenarios of course.

George: Right. So you have- the more unique you get, the better, right? So it could be an apartment, you're going to start off with let's just say, there's several types of Airbnb categories as far as type, property type so you're going to have like your third you know, garage apartment or third party you know, side guest houses, right? And then you're going to have your house- your apartments, you're going to have your homes, you're going to have unique places, you know and then you're going to have your boutique hotels. The higher you get in the spectrum, the more people are going to pay for them. So if you start with these small little apartments you know, or guest houses, you're not going to get that much.

David: Sure.

George: [inaudible] and that's what I started with.

David: I've actually stayed in a lot of these like side apartments or like some people will like rent their basement out like random, right? But like I've done it and then- but yeah, I get how the tiers would definitely change or adjust as it became you know, more unique or has more you know, amenities.

George: Yeah, so and we focus now obviously in creating unique desirable properties and you don't have to spend a bunch of money to create those, but it is going to cost a little bit more than your normal, right? And then I think our sweet spot we found are single family homes, you know, median prices and in any city will work, right? Any city in the United States, probably in the world.

David: Wow, that's really really awesome. Okay, couple more quick questions here. So, when you are getting a new property, you know, getting ready to go online, you got to go furnish all these properties, right? All of them are furnished? So do you have like a like basically, like a template that you use internally with your team that says, here's all the stuff that we're buying or is every property going to be different? And I would think that maybe a little bit of both.

George: The only difference is our end in mind, right? So if we onboard a property that we believe is going to make $10,000 a month, we take this luxury framework that we have with all the lists of everything you need in that property and the storyboards that we created for that last property cuz we've done so many staging and design jobs for all properties, that's insane right? So we do have lists for each type of property. Now, there are a lot of smaller amenities that just I recommend anyone use it, doesn't matter-

David: Let's hear those, give me a couple.

George: Absolutely, so one of them would be hotel quality linens and bed covers. You know, we've got some tech that we use like ring doorbells so they're all going to be the same, all the tech is the same. Ring doorbells and you got your nests and all that, and we also have your kitchen appliances like Shiro knife set and a Ninja blender and just a few things like that that are going to be the same. The only difference would be where you've got a 3 bedroom luxury versus a 5 bedroom, you got a different count of beds and linens right? More towels, more of everything so it just varies on certain areas, certain levels, but for the most part what we do now is more uniform than it's ever been, right? We've focus on-

David: You systematizes it, you put together a process so you can have freedom and you're not sitting by the computer all day designing.

George: There you go.

David: Right?

George: Absolutely. There's like buttons you know, and my team does that.

David: Right.

George: Yeah, we run this operation from here from this office. So Mona- I've got you know, Mona on my site who helps us design and stage everything, you know, she's here in the office as well and she basically just- we're [inaudible] 4 properties and she takes care of all of them you know, and that's what she does.

David: Man that's cool. George, tell us about your program. I'm curious to learn a little bit more about that. You had mentioned that you love helping people and coaching them and working with them, even partnering with them, and I'd love to learn a little bit more about that.

George: Absolutely brother. So our program is composed of 3 main components, right? I've gone through the 5 key elements of short term rental success, right? Remember when you asked that question earlier. So we simply teach you how to do those five the right way, the way we do them, so that you can bring in at- to any property, you know anywhere between 7, 8 thousand dollars a month instead of 3 to 4 which most people do on their own, right? You could launch an Airbnb like the ones we have or just any house and do pretty decent, make a little bit 500 to 1000, or you could work with us, that same Airbnb, that same property with just some tweaks through the five components, you know, you're going to make 8 thousand dollars. So we work closely through three different methods with, you know, with our students. One of them is going to be through training so we have a library of trainings just like everybody else. Well people don't need so much information. This day and age, people need guidance, right? Information is everywhere.

David: Information is everywhere. Yeah, guidance is way more important than information. In fact I've kind of like actually gotten rid of some of my courses recently and you know, shrinked them down just because it's like most people that come into our program and ours is more for wholesaling, it's definitely not on the short-term side of anything, right? But it's weird, most people already know most of what they need to know. They're just not executing or they need to make a little tweaks just like you said. I cannot agree more. Love that. So you guys get- but you do have the training though cuz that does help of course. You guys have the trainings and then yeah go on, I didn't mean to interrupt.

George: Yeah, no no of course, no problem. We have the trainings that are there and then the support and the coaching that's needed, that's our main bread and butter, right?

David: Love it.

George: That's what we really use to get people results. So people come into the program, we offer 1 on 1 support through several channels, right? And with the support, they're able to utilize the base which is going to be your trainings and then on the calls, they get part training and mostly support of coaching, you know, as they let's just say some you know, somebody wants to cover, you know, a certain area or most people have- they're struggling with let's just say acquisitions, right? So we will do a little bit of training with a new strategy in acquisitions and basically work with our students right here 1 on 1 and seeing why they're not figuring out that short term rental revenue, or why they can't get their property to perform. So we'll fix- train a little bit and then fix and coach them, right here 1 on 1 you know, with basically some you know, each person on the other side working through each student or whatever they need at that time, right? And then the community and, you know, I would say we've got a great community, you know, it's a third component. So there are people in the program that work with each other, like we JV, like we just JV with some of our students. We bought a 5 thousand square foot home that have been with me for almost a year actually, right? And there are other students that are working with each other. So having that support and that community from other people other than your coach is also great cuz you need to be around people that are like-minded to get there, right? Cuz it's not just about the training and coaching, sometimes you get overwhelmed and you're like oh my God, I don't know what to do, like how should I tweak this? Do you mind kind of working with me or showing me? And the students are supporting each other which is what I love. I love seeing how they help each other and then you're just getting results. That's what it's all about.

David: Right. No man, I absolutely absolutely love that. Well George, where can people go to learn more about that group and that program?

George: Absolutely. So if you guys want to get indoctrinated with what the continent that we put out, our Facebook group is, and if someone is ready to actually talk to my team or myself, then that website is George Salas, G-E-O-R-G-E-S-A-L-A-S, right? and that's my personal website and all you guys have to do is go in there and there's a schedule, a call type of thing and there's my WhatsApp and my Facebook messenger and all that, so I'm accessible and if anybody wants to chat, we could chat and see how we can help.

David: Awesome. So GeorgeSalas, S-A-L-A-S, and the 360 sites are pretty cool, I like those sites. And then you said the- I'm sorry, you said that, as well?

George: Yeah, that's the Facebook group.

David: Okay. So go into- so is it the that just forwards to the Facebook group then?

George: That's it. If someone's not ready, right? And you just want to learn more about the business, you know, cuz not everybody's going to be ready and that's okay. Come hang out with us in the group.

David: Love it.


David: George, thank you so much for coming on today bro. You are absolutely crushing it. I can't wait to just track you. I might have to bring you back on the show in like six months to get a status update because you've already kind of told me that you're looking to start partnerships in some other cities and just expand and now that you have a team, is just so cool, right? It takes people years to get over the hump but once they're over the hump, they basically have access to the- not only the knowledge but the resources to do amazing things, bro, and you were there which is so cool. So over the next six months to a year, you're going to be doing some crazy stuff and over the next couple years, even more crazy stuff so I'm just super excited to know you and get to watch and track your success, and like I said, we're going to have to bring you back on for a status update, you know, 4, 6 months down the road. Again, very very cool George. Thanks for coming on. Guys, go follow George, you can look up all of his information, all of his socials and even book a call with him if you like at or check out George's Facebook group in George, any parting words for our audience today?

George: I appreciate you having me here David and I just wanted to communicate to everybody out there, whether you're starting and you haven't done a deal you know, whether you've done a bunch of deals and are struggling or whether you are successful and listening to this you know, stay focused, have faith, believe. Believing gets you 90% there you know, and just continue on your journey, and then one big thing is I've learned to focus not on the end result, the big goal, more in the journey. So fall in love with the process, fall in love with rows, and fall in love with just everything around it, right? And not- if I don't hit my goal then you know, I hit my goal but if you actually focus on growth, purpose and process then you'll never have to worry about the deadline. So go get it out there and I hope to see you guys soon.

David: Holy cow. Growth, purpose, process. Those are so important things, those three things. Man, George you crushed this episode. Thank you so much for coming on. Guys, thanks for listening. Go check out George's information, Until next time.

George: Thank you.

David: Signing off.

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