Real Estate Blog & Podcast

Episode 304: Mike Hambright on Investor Machine

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 23, 2022

Show Notes

In today’s episode of Discount Property Investor Podcast, David Dodge has a special guest, Mike Hambright this is her second time. One of the nation’s leading mastermind communities for a real estate professional. and this episode, David and Mike talk about the INVESTORMACHINE. If you are looking for your target market in real estate you must watch this episode. Check this out, guys!

 Things that will cover in this episode:

  • How to find motivated sellers


Part 1

  • Indicates How to find the best deal in real estate
  • Explains how to become successful in real estate

Part 2

  • Mike tells about how he started as a real estate investor and her goal are.
  • Explains what are the scope of the importance of the Investor Machine.


“Every market is different. I was just through a lot of tears, and hard work, keep pushing forward. This is a great business. If you knew in this business just know that this is a market cycle the market constancy moving, your goal is how to survive in this market”


Service Mentioned:


Transcript Episode:

Welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. Our mission is to share what we have learned from our experience and the experience of others to help you make more money investing like a pro. We want to teach you how to create wealth by investing in real estate, the discount property investor way. To jumpstart your real estate investing career, visit, the most complete free course on wholesaling real estate ever. Thanks for tuning in.

David: Alright guys, welcome back to another episode of the Discount Property Investor podcast. I am your host David dodge and today I am joined by a fellow real estate investor, a friend, and quite frankly a beast when it comes to all things real estate investing and marketing and lead generation and building your business and just man I am super excited to have Mr. Mike Hambright back on the show. I think this is the second time we've had Mike.

Mike: Round two, round two baby.

David: Round 2. Mike, how the hell are you doing today brother?

Mike: I'm good, I'm good. Glad to be back my friend.

David: Awesome man, I am so happy to have you. Mike, you are like a Swiss army knife of things real estate my friend. You run Investor Fuel which is one of the nation's leading mastermind communities for real estate professionals. You also have Flip Nerd which is, it's a website, it's America's most respected information source for real estate investors with thousands of hours of training and content, holy cow, and then you also have Investor Machine which is a tech and data company that provides high quality lead generation for hundreds of America's top professional real estate investors. Am I missing anything man? Holy cow.

Mike: That's good enough. Yeah you say a Swiss army knife, I started out as a butter knife though so you know, added in some tools along the way.

David: I love it man. Well you know what? The most recent one that we were talking about, Investing Machine is is really what I would like to talk with you about today because you know, inventory is at all time lows, even still.

Mike: Yup.

David: And it's getting harder and harder to find good deals and as all of my listeners and audience knows that this is a marketing business before it is any other business. You gotta find motivated sellers in order to get good deals.

Mike: Yup, absolutely.

David: And once you find yourself a motivated seller, you know, all of the exit strategies become very easy but if you don't have a good deal on a property, it's very difficult to wholesale a property, it's very difficult fix it up and flip it for a profit and if you're like me and you love doing the BRRRR method and being a landlord and acquiring properties with little to none of your own money, it makes it very very difficult without finding that deal, right? You gotta find that deal.

Mike: Yeah.

David: So as I just stated, you know it's getting harder and harder to find these deals so tell us about Investor Machine man. What does this all consist of?

Mike: Yeah and I'll do it in a way where I wanna tell everybody about kind of our approach, I mean we're kind of open kimono to tell you what we do so whether you're one of our clients or you just want to do this on your own which is hard work, you'll kind of understand what I say here that it's hard work but I kind of open the kimono and you know, there's no black box here like we'll tell you exactly what we do and my belief on lead generation you know in general so- and so I'll say this like there is no silver bullet, like the key to somebody's success probably is for the most part is just continuing to do hard- do hard things like the things that are the easiest to generate leads are not going to generate the most leads and they're definitely going to generate the most competitive leads because it was easy so a lot of people do it, right?

David: Love it.

Mike: So when you start to do stuff that's harder, you start to eliminate some of that competition and I'm not here to say like if you do these hard things or you follow this, nobody even knows about this property, you're the only one and you're gonna like hit a home run every time, like that's not real either right? But I think the point is to be consistent as hell and do some things that are harder than what the average person is willing to do or pay somebody to do it for you because you know, at the end of the day those are the things that are investments today in the future. You're making investments today and lead generation, even like SEO's, perfect example I was talking to Trevor about this yesterday is you don't get an immediate payoff like you have to be willing to put those bricks down and build a wall over a long period of time and someday people are going to say you're like an overnight success and it's like yeah 10 years in the making right? Like it took- you didn't see us making the sausage behind the scenes but it was an investment overtime and I think a lot of real estate investors are like they wanna do something today and make money tomorrow and I'm not saying that can't happen, it's happened for a lot of people but it's not as easy to do that as it used to be and we're probably not going back to the easy times, right?

David: Man I cannot agree more. I had just got off a coaching call with one of my students, he's been in my program for probably 5 months and I was getting a little worried about him because he hadn't closed any deals but I hadn't talked to him in about 3 weeks and he closed 3 deals this week and made 30,000 bucks and I was like man I'm so glad that you- you know, were consistent and really more so were persistent and you didn't quit because all of those efforts led you to where you're at today and he had a $30,000 week so I can't agree more with what you said. Now there's one thing that you did say that I wanna dive into really quickly though and you said there's easy things that we can do and then there's hard things that we can do, you know, so what are you referring to when it comes to those two, you know those differences?

Mike: Well easy things are- we'll kind of stick to direct mail right? Easy is to go pull an age and equity list off of Propstream or somewhere and just mail the age and equity and you know, spray it out there right?

David: Sure sure.

Mike: That's just not as productive as it used to be and I don't advocate that anybody do that anymore, right? Hard is going to- what we do is we actually try to go pull 40 lists in every market we operate in which is 350 markets right now on a daily and weekly basis like we have people in there mining for data every day to try to find what just happened, what just happened that might indicate distress because at the end of the day like this industry is hard right now, a lot of things are hard right now but people's distress hasn't gone away, in fact it's probably higher than it has been on ongoing basis so you know think about it, we buy houses for the most part for people in distressed situations, things that we don't wish on anybody but it's just life.

David: Just life, right.

Mike: Death, divorce, inheritance, you know, problem rentals, like all those things will always happen, it doesn't matter what market cycle we're in like people still die, people still get divorced, people still have renters that tear up their house and they're like I'm done with this thing right? Those things are never gonna stop right?

David: They get sick and they lose their jobs and they get divorced, yeah all of these things.

Mike: Yup.

David: They're not things that we're ever you know excited to hear about but it's life-

Mike: Right.

David: -and if we can help these people in the process, 100%.

Mike: That's right. So that's not- that hasn't changed right? So what has changed is how we find them before many other people have found them and you know, how to get a little more sophisticated with your lead generation and so we- what we do at Investor Machine is we just tie it all back to data like we try to get that data before anybody else and we try to tell a bigger and better story than what anybody else is going to go so we basically pull all this data and we stack it up and we built some software to effectively do list stacking on steroids where we are able to create the best list whether you're- whether you're mailing and- or skip tracing and cold calling or text messaging to get to those folks as fast as possible and then we actually kind of white glove handle the direct mail site where we're doing the mailers for people and dropping them on a weekly basis and just clockwork consistency is key right? So there's a lot of-

David: Consistency is everything in this business man.

Mike: Yeah and I kind of tell the story like I have a bunch of rental properties single family and so I get a bunch of postcards from people that are trying to you know, dudes that- I always say I never wanna sell my house to a dude like me like I don't ever want to be a distressed seller but people still market to me right because I'm an absentee owner and I have equity in my properties and so I was given an analogy yesterday of a couple of big players here in my market, the Dallas Fort Worth market, that I've been getting mailers from them for years just like clockwork, just boom boom boom boom, they never stop, never stop and then I always get a one off postcard that I've never seen this one before, I know it's a- you can just tell it's a new investor and it's pretty common that I'll get one from that person and I never get another one and that's because it's a lot of newer investors and if you're newer, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean I was newer once, we were all were new, I have a soft spot in my heart for helping people achieve financial freedom through real estate investment so there's nothing wrong with that, what is wrong is if you do one mailer and say that didn't work and I stopped, right?

David: Agreed.

Mike: And that's what kind of separates the people that are in it to win it for the long run and the people that are just trying to make a quick buck and if it doesn't work, I'm going to move on to crypto or something else, right?

David: Yeah and then that's the mindset that people have that end up losing a few thousand in crypto and then they move on to the Amazon business and they lose a few thousand there and they're never gonna get ahead.

Mike: Whatever's next yeah.

David: Yeah you gotta pick something, you gotta be consistent, you gotta be persistent. I mean that's really the key to success is consistent persistent action so Mike 100% agree with everything you just said, love it.

Mike: Yeah.

David: That's amazing.

Mike: Yeah at the end of the day like you know, if you've been in the game for a long time, we all get those leads that say you know what? I've been getting your mail for a long time, I've seen your advertisements, you've been calling me for a long time, whatever it is, and today is the day like I'm finally there. And I think we've all- I know you have David, we bought a lot of houses from people that when you go there, it's like their situation was the same 5 or 10 years ago like it's just deteriorated a little bit worse but they were a distressed seller 5 or 10 years ago right? And so it just took something happening, the proverbial straw that broke the camels back that they called you today and I give this other analogy of- probably a lot of the people resonate with this, you get- we get a lot of unsolicited mail, we all do right? So you get- how many times a week or a month would you say you get flyers to buy a new-

David: I've got a stack of them on my desk right across the way, I would say-

Mike: But I'm saying to buy a new mattress or tires right? Something that you do every like I don't even know, tires every 3 or 4 years and a mattress every 10 years or something.

David: Mmhmm

Mike: But they just hammer you right? They're just like, they're always in your face and the truth is when the time comes like you'll appreciate it. Oh it's right here, I know exactly where I'm going, I've been getting this forever right? It's the same thing with real estate, if you do a good job and you don't sour that relationship, you know, I was talking to somebody earlier they're like yeah I put glitter in my mailers so when I pull it out all this glitter comes out. I was like dude that's a way to like really piss somebody off and like- and they'll never sell you their house. You're gonna stand out but I wouldn't do that but you know if you say I'm looking to buy dumps in your neighborhood or whatever, like you don't want to alienate those folks but if you kind of educate and people can res- they resonate with your message and stuff like that then you're on the short list of people that they will call if they're in that situation. The key is to just keep tapping on the shoulder, keep tapping on the shoulder, hey I'm here if you need me, I'm here if you need me, we're here to help and you know be that person that's like they can confide in you if and when the time comes but you gotta be there consistently just tapping them on the shoulder right?

David: Absolutely, I agree 100%. You gotta be consistent and you know, I'm a firm believer that all we do as real estate investors, I'm not an agent, I'm not licensed, not a broker, none of that, just an investor you know flipped hundreds and hundreds of houses and love buying rentals, all of the above right? And I am convinced Mike that all we do as real estate investors is provide convenience to people in exchange for a discount.

Mike: Yup.

David: That's it, it's so incredibly simple and a lot of the new people that come into this space, they are trying to convince sellers to be motivated and I'm gonna be honest Mike, the first year, maybe even 2 full years of me being in this full time I had that same approach. You know I would be doing cold calling and sending some mail and doing this and doing that and I get on the phone with somebody and I would try to convince them that they were motivated and in hindsight I'm like man that was such a terrible approach. You can't convince somebody to be motivated, they have to do that on their own.

Mike: Yeah.

David: But what we can do as investors is we can be here to help them when they are ready right?

Mike: That's exactly right.

David: And we can offer them convenience in exchange for a discount when they are ready,

Mike: Absolutely.

David: I love it man, you're speaking my language buddy.

Mike: Yeah, and I've told this story before too and I think for a lot- to the newer real estate investors out there, it's not about you right? It's about solving that person's problem and I've kind of told this story before of early on- this is back- I'm like an old dude now, 14 years ago when I started in real estate investing and I was new to the business like I needed to do deals like we were- my- you know, of kind of what my goals are at this point. At that point it was more around survival like my wife and I left our job, we're kind of all in, had a new baby like we gotta make this work right? And I have this story that I told before. I remember that sometimes I would park in front of a house about to go up an appointment and I would literally pray. I'd be like God please please let me buy this house, we really need this, you know whatever, without any thoughts to like what that person on the other side of the door needs, you know? And I wasn't successful and then- and finally you know it's just kind of found me like they don't care about me like I'm not here for me, I'm here for them. Until I can solve that persons problem then I don't deserve anything right? And so I think for a lot of newer investors out there, they see people posting checks on social media and they're like they want that money, they want that lifestyle, they want those things but you can't get that reward until you've earned it and that's- you earn it by helping other people right?

David: I'm gonna repeat what you just said: you earn it by helping other people. Man you nailed it and again it took me you know I would say- I don't want to be too optimistic here but I'd say you know it probably took me every bit of 2 years to kind of realize hey this isn't about me, this is about them, I can't force them to be motivated but what I can do and this is what I teach to all of my students is I can be there for them when they're ready, I can continuously remind them that I can help them when they are ready and I can provide them a ton of convenience to help them in this problem that they're facing when they are ready. You guys see what I keep repeating here: when they are ready. But Mike you I think said this best and really brought this to light though is you gotta be really really consistent about reminding them or letting them know that we as real estate investors can help them and are here to help them when they are ready. Love it.

Mike: Absolutely, absolutely. And if you do- when you generate a lead you know to the systems part like and there's better systems than ever right now, some amazing CRM's out there, most of the CRM owners are good friends of mine, is that follow up is so critical in this business. If somebody raised their hand and they contacted you even if it seems like it's not a deal today, you've gotta follow up forever and I don't know what your longest deal is, I've bought a deal I think like 5 1/2 years after we first generated the lead.

David: I'm about the same, 5 and a half maybe.

Mike: And it's just like you know, I'm not ready, no I don't think so, I'm just gonna fix it up myself, oh we rented it out, call me back in 6 months, and then sometimes you just ask people do you want me to just take you off the list and stop following up? Well no no, you know we might need you at some point and just follow up with those leads forever because if they're in a distressed situation, I mean I don't wish this on anybody but there's a lot of people in America that are stretched thin financially for sure. The average American household has less than $1000 in the bank which blows my mind.

David: Yeah that is unbelievable.

Mike: But you're like one medical issue away, one losing a job away, one thing away from being pushed over the edge and if you do a good job of serving that person and earning their trust upfront, stay in touch with them and you're just going to be that person they pick up the phone and call if and when the time comes but you gotta keep tapping on the shoulder whether it's through sending more mailers, calling every once in a while following up or both right?

David: Yeah typically I think it's roughly 4 to 5% of the population at any given time is in a distressed situation.

Mike: Yeah.

David: 4 to 5% so that's a pretty decent size number, I mean out of 100 houses that's 4 or 5 houses that essentially could you know, could use our help or could use some convenience in some way shape or form.

Mike: Yeah that's right.

David: Man I love it. Well Mike tell me more about Investor Machine, you know what is it? Why would somebody want to use it? I'm curious to learn more about what exactly Investor Machine is all about.

Mike: Yeah I talked a little bit about it up front but what we do is it's kind of a done for you, really a white glove solution for primarily direct mail, we also do skip tracing for folks that want to do cold calling and text message marketing. But what we do is we have- really we literally have an army of data miners that are mining data in all the markets where we have customers at so people join our program, it's not a franchise but we kind of license a season to market to them and then we execute the marketing for them. So if their budget's 5000 a month, we come up with the best list to market to and then market to them. If it's 50,000 a month, we come up with the best list of 50,000 a month and market to them, kind of done for you solution. Where we're different is we focus on distressed, we go after about 40 different lists that we go try and pull in every market where we operate and we go into the county and the city and we're looking for probate, tax delinquent, notice of default, mowing liens, arrest records, we look at divorces, we actually look at the obituaries, we look at a bunch of things and then append that data back to our database and we figure out what is the best list in Dallas County let's say where I'm at, the Dallas area, to market to right now. And on top of that, we overlay real estate investors buy box of the types of houses they even want to market to in the first place so I think that's another thing that a lot of real estate investors used to do and maybe still do and haven't done differently is they just spray entire zip codes or entire counties and if you're a wholesaler like maybe you don't care where the deals at, if you're a buy and hold person or a rehabber-

David: Oh it matters, it definitely matters.

Mike: -you should be a little bit more laser targeted on the types of houses you wanna buy, age of house, size of the house, zip code, all those things.

David: Yup.

Mike: So that you're not wasting money on markets where you don't really even want a house in the first place right? And so- and honestly a lot of real estate investors know- I'm sure you know this in your market like those areas of town where you're like I'd love to get another deal there because the margins are twice as high as over there right? It's like then don't spend money on those markets where the margins are half, focus on where you really want to do deals at.

David: Yeah and when it comes to landlording, it's the same thing too-

Mike: Yeah for sure.

David: -like there's certain areas where it's like man those tenants are tearing houses up left and right.

Mike: Right.

David: They're not paying their rent, the eviction rates are high, the crime rates are high and then there's other areas where it's like man these tenants are a dream, they pay their rent in advance, they leave the house better than they took possession of it, you know? So once you start to dial in those areas within your market, it's like I'm not gonna waste one penny marketing in that neighborhood but I'll happily spend 3 to 5 or 10,000 over in this area of town. So I love the fact that you guys are doing so many- you're pulling lists from so many different areas and using so many different data points and determining what would make the best sense today now.

Mike: Yup, who's the hottest right now yeah.

David: And I'm assuming you're doing- your guys are probably reviewing these things weekly right?

Mike: Yeah it's mostly real time like we- we're pulling data on a daily and weekly basis and for our customers that want it, we gather these data points all week long and then skip trace it and send it to them every Monday of what we call the hot list like what new data points popped up because it's basically speed to the customer trying to get to somebody as soon as a flag pops up, they just filed a probate, they just got a tax delinquent notification, whatever it might be, we're like on them as fast as possible because if you're not, somebody's gonna be like we're trying to get the people as fast as possible so we've just built really a machine to generate data points that will tell the story of who is most distressed right now, who should you be marketing to you right now and then we help them execute that as fast as possible because let's face it most real estate investors are smaller shops that are spread thin, they're trying to do everything and one of the things that very few people do that they need to is mail consistently like clockwork or market consistently like clockwork. We throw some money at something, it works or it doesn't and the next time I get around to doing it, there's probably some gaps in between of when I should have done it and when I'm actually doing it right?

David: No that's 100% agreed, 100% facts man. You are filled with facts, I love it. So what kind of marketing are you typically doing or helping people do? You had mentioned direct mail, you had mentioned generating the list which is typically the most important thing regardless of what you do next, you gotta have a good list. So you're skip tracing those lists and you're providing those lists to your clients, you're also helping them with some of the direct mail, are you guys doing anything else?

Mike: Nope we're not doing anything online right now, we probably will in time but you know the problem with- we could probably you know, be a formidable competitor to any of the pay per click guys out there if we want to. All those guys are my friends, we're not looking to compete with anybody but we don't really you know, that's not our area of expertise like we could get into pay per click and we could have probably 100 customers inside of 6 months but I don't know how to have a competitive edge there right now because it's a commoditized product in a lot of ways. There's some great services out there so I'm not taking anything away from anybody but the data is really what sets us apart and the way that we're able to use that data the best currently is through direct mail and skip tracing. So primarily our customers are direct mail customers and/or we skip trace for them so that they can-

David: Then they could cold call or text and do on their own.

Mike: Right yup.

David: Okay so I asked that question hoping that you were gonna say no that's it and you did, right? And the reason is because less is more right?

Mike: Yeah.

David: You don't necessarily need to have 700 different approaches.

Mike: For sure.

David: What I've found is that when I spread myself really thin, balls start getting dropped and things start getting overlooked and follow up doesn't get done and the appointments aren't being ran or we're missing them or maybe we'll go run an appointment and then we didn't even make an offer, how dumb is that? I mean come on, if you are listening right now and you are spending money on marketing and you get on the phone with somebody and they say yes I am interested in selling the property and you say great can I come out and view it and you go view it and then you don't even make him an offer right? So sometimes more isn't more, right? When it comes to marketing, you know most of the time when it comes to marketing, more marketing is more but not always right?

Mike: Right.

David: And if you're dropping balls and leaving things behind and then you know obviously that isn't necessarily the best approach so.

Mike: Yup.

David: Yeah I think that is phenomenal. You guys are pulling from multiple different data points, you're providing your customers with lists daily and weekly and then of course you guys are doing the done for you direct mail as well. It sounds like a phenomenal service man, that's awesome. Tell me I mean is there- what else are you guys doing for your customers over there at Investor Machine?

Mike: That's primarily- that's primarily it but we do- we try to act as a strategic like partner right? And advisor. So sometimes when marketing is not working as well as it should, we can dig in and say well let's look at it, let's look at your buy box like what are you know, what system are you using for texting or cold calling? You know, we just kind of drill in and try to figure out how to help them and so you know there's a lot of service providers out there that are kind of built to be self study right? Like you have access to the software, just go figure it out, you need help? Well go watch our FAQ videos or whatever. So we're really really kind of trying to hold their hand and make sure that they're making good decisions, I mean and because we serve hundreds of customers, really hundreds of of larger investors around the country, we're able- we kind of have our ear to the ground, we know what's working and what's not and when I hear somebody say hey this just isn't working for me and I know they know what they're doing, we perk up, we're like let's try to learn from this and then we can help our other customers like share that information as well. When someone is working really well, we might bring that customer on inside of our group and like talk to everybody about how this is working well for you and what you're doing differently and you know in this business it just takes a little nugget here and there to really kind of move the needle in your business, right? It doesn't have to be something like revolutionary, it's just doing a few things a little bit better is really what separates real rockstars in this industry from those that fail.

David: Mike I love it man, you are speaking my language. I agree with every single thing you said. I wanna take it back just for one second, now you had said earlier that you had you know you had closed the deal that was like 5 1/2 years old. I've been in this business full time for 7, almost 8 years and I am very similar to you in the fact that we are still following up with the leads that I added in the first week and in the first month with my marketing efforts right? And you know we're- we often close a deal that's 3 or 4 or even 5 or 6 years in the making and we followed up with these leads every month or every quarter or in some cases every year for multiple years and you know when we dove into the data a couple months back, one thing that really kind of stuck to my mind when we were looking at the data and looking at the numbers is the average deal that we're able to close on typically takes 4 to 6 months worth of follow up in order to get the deal, right? Now that doesn't mean that we won't do some marketing today and get a call tomorrow and you know, run an appointment over the weekend and you know get it under contract next Tuesday, I mean that happens a lot too.

Mike: Yup.

David: But 8 or 9 out of 10 you know roughly of the deals that we're doing require 4 to 6 months worth of follow-up. Now, every year that goes on, I fully anticipate that average to get longer because I have more and more old leads in my system that are going to continuously skew that number out a little bit.

Mike: Sure yeah.

David: So one of the things that I always tell my students whenever they're coming on board is hey this is a marketing business first and foremost but number two if you want to have success in this business, you have to understand that it's all about the follow up. If you call somebody one time and they say they're not interested, you know and then you don't ever follow up with them ever again or maybe they do say they're interested but that number is just not gonna work for you and you don't ever follow up again, you are basically limiting yourself to the one or 2 out of 10 deals that you're going to be able to get right away, the other 8 or 9 are going to require weeks if not months guys, if not years worth of follow-up efforts and we just closed the deal the other day Mike, it was hilarious because we're scrolling through our CRM and I was like man I'm just curious like how many follow ups did we do on this particular lead and it was 107.

Mike: Wow.

David: 107 follow-ups but thank God that we did because we made almost $30,000 on that deal.

Mike: Yeah.

David: So you gotta follow up like crazy man. I absolutely, I love it man. Mike you had-

Mike: Yeah I feel like what you said, where there's smoke, there's fire right? Somebody raised their hand and contacted you at one point and again I don't wish this on anybody but a lot of people's situations if they're in a distressed situation doesn't necessarily get worse with time, it more likely gets worse, it doesn't necessarily get better it gets often gets worse and so that follow up especially if you build trust even if they don't want to sell right now, if you don't high pressure pitch people and you basically are a good listener and you really try to understand what their challenges, try to give them some advice on how they can solve their problem even if it doesn't include you, that goes a long way towards them being willing to take the next call and the next call and the next call and I'm just checking in and you know this deal that I was talking about, it's been awhile since we closed this one but there were a number of- 'cause I go back and look like you said when we close deals, how many times did we touch that person before they came around? And this one there were so many calls that we called and the number was disconnected or they didn't answer or they heard who we were and they still hung up but we just kept following up and eventually they said you know what? Is that offer still good from 5 1/2 years ago by the way you know we ended up buying the house for cheaper than we offered 5 and half years earlier because the house had deteriorated even more, you know? Despite the market going up so you just, you never know but folks often come around and if you treat them right, it's just a matter of time before they need your help.

David: Man I absolutely love it and I'm super interested to learn more about Investor Machine. Do I just go to- is it

Mike: It is.

David: Is that the URL?

Mike: and David we made a couple links that folks, we wanna know if it came from you 'cause we wanna take good care of them but

David: Okay awesome, for the discount property investor podcast.

Mike: Yeah yup yup yup.

David: Awesome awesome. Guys so check it out and that's obviously for discount property investor, go check it out, learn more about how these guys can help you, I'm confident they can because not only have they been in the business for many many years but they are investors themselves. You guys aren't just running a marketing operation for other investors, you guys are investors.

Mike: No, my partner is- yeah Jason Lewis is probably you know certainly one of the top 2 or 3 wholesalers in the state of Utah, I mean high volume guy, we're business partners in The Investor Machine and so absolutely. In fact we test a lot of stuff in his market before we roll it out to anybody else so for sure. We're investors, I've been an investor for 14 years and we sleep and eat you know real estate for sure.

David: Man I absolutely love it. Mike, thank you so much for coming on today and providing us with such awesome gold nuggets and amazing value. Guys remember this business is all about consistency, right? Don't give up if you're new and you know sometimes people you know will come in and they'll dabble for a couple weeks maybe even a couple months and like I was telling you about the student call I had earlier today right? You gotta be consistent, you gotta market, you gotta understand this as a marketing business before it's any other business and you gotta follow up. Now, if you are looking to work with the guys that know what they're doing, they know how to market, they know how to find the motivated seller leads, I can't recommend Mike's company Investor Machine more. Again check them out it's, use that so that way they know where you guys heard him at and where this traffic is coming from and Mike, do you got any parting words for us? Anybody or any advice that you would give to the new investor.

Mike: Yeah I would say you know it's easy for people to say- when I got in it was 2008 and at that time it was you know we were right in the heart of a downturn in the market. Now the truth is in my market in Dallas it wasn't nearly as bad where you're at in Saint Louis, wasn't nearly as bad as you know Vegas and Florida and Arizona and stuff like that, every market is different right? But people thought we were crazy for getting in, our family thought we were crazy, everybody thought we were crazy for getting in and it was just through a lot of blood, sweat and tears, hard work, keep pushing forward. This is a great business and so if you're newer in this business, just know that this is a market cycle, the market is constantly moving. Your goal is to figure out how to survive in this market but there's lots of benefits to up and down markets and so if you're in this for the long haul, you have to figure out how to operate in this market. When the market shifts and we have a downturn, you're going to have to figure out how to operate in that market and this is a great business over the long haul but I think a lot of folks that get in early don't necessarily commit all in, they've got their toe in the water, maybe still have a W2 job. I'm not saying you should go leave your job but if you don't fully commit, it's so much easier for you to just give up and say eh it doesn't work in my market, the market is not right right now, I'll try it again later and I don't know many folks that said I'll try it again later that actually did, right? This is the right time to get in, just accept that it's a difficult market. If you can make it work in this market which plenty of people can, you can make it work in any market so why not cut your teeth right here?

David: Man I absolutely love it. Mike how could somebody connect with you if they wanted to connect directly with you?

Mike: Yeah best thing is you know, just go to Facebook. Look me up on Facebook, I probably spend more time there than I should but just follow me along there, I try to put out a lot of good content and share a lot of good information. We've got a ton of- we've done over 1500 video podcasts you can find on and those are the two best places.

David: I love it. Guys if you are listening to this while you are driving, Mike Hambright, I'mma spell his name out M-I-K-E H-A-M-B-R-I-G-H-T, just like it sounds pretty easy., Investor Fuel which we didn't even really get to talk about today but go check that out as well, you can check that out at And then if you want to learn more about the leading tech and data company that's going to provide the highest quality lead generation and they are servicing hundreds of America's top professional real estate investors, go check out the and with that Mike thank you so much for coming on the show today. Thank you for providing all these gold nuggets.

Mike: Thanks David, appreciate the opportunity.

David: We look forward to having you back sometime soon. Absolutely. Alright guys, signing off. We'll talk to you soon.

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St. Louis Real Estate Market Insights: November 2024

Dec 09, 2024

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