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Episode 306: Tony Javier with Real Estate Masters TV

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 23, 2022

Show Notes

In this episode of Discount Property Investor, David is joined by Tony Javier, owner of an INC 5000 rated Real Estate Investment Company.  Tony states that his number one marketing method is TV appearances/commercials, next would be postcards, Facebook, and Google PPC. They then discuss further the process and results of TV as a marketing strategy such as raising popularity and credibility. Tony advises people to get into this media marketing since there is not that much doing it and there are a lot of advantages to it.

He has been investing in Real Estate since 2001 and has done close to 1,000 flips.  Since Tony has automated his Real Estate
Investing in a business, he concentrates his time on helping Real Estate through his Masterminds, Gap Funding, and TV Program at shows Real Estate investors how to grow their business through TV Commercials.

 Things that will cover in this episode:

  • Who is Tony Javier
  • Real Estate Master
  • talks about what kind of strategy to use to get directions to sellers, buy, and deals and how people find deals
  • Marketing Through TV Ads
  • How to get a client on TV?
  • Financing his deal
  • What is her favourite platform?

Tony Javier's Tips:

“People will look at you way differently”

“Many things are possible in this business if you just believe that can happen and just connected to great people”

Connect with Tony Javier:

Transcript Episode:

Welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. Our mission is to share what we have learned from our experience and the experience of others to help you make more money investing like a pro. We want to teach you how to create wealth by investing in real estate, the discount property investor way. To jumpstart your real estate investing career, visit, the most complete free course on wholesaling real estate ever. Thanks for tuning in.

David: Alright guys welcome back to the discount property investor podcast, I am your host David Dodge and today I am joined by Tony Javiar, did I say that right?

Tony: Javier.

David: Javier! I knew it man, I was gonna screw it up and I did. Oh man. Tony Javier, and I actually just met Tony at an event oh man three or four days ago and I have actually heard of Tony through some mutual friends over the last couple months so it was really cool to get to run into Tony at this mastermind event and really learn a little bit more about you know, what Tony's been up to as a real estate investor and learn more about his program so here he is, I got him on the show today and we're gonna learn a little bit more about Tony. So Tony welcome to the show man, how are you?

Tony: What's up man? Good to see you again and I'm excited to be on here.

David: Man, one of the things that I'm really impressed with Tony is that he has a business in Wichita KS, correct me if I'm wrong, but lives in San Diego.

Tony: Yup that's correct.

David: And I think that that's the coolest thing because a lot of people they get into real estate investing because they're tired of the 40 hour week, but what ends up happening man? They go from 40 to 80 hours, you know and they don't end up getting that freedom you know sometimes never right? So when I heard that about Tony, I'm like man this guy's got it dialed in, he's living in a different area than he's operating his business in so he's obviously got a lot of systems and processes in place. So Tony if you don't mind, tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got started and maybe how you progressed to where you're at today man.

Tony: Yeah you know it's funny is I- you know I talk to investors all the time and anybody that's their young 20s I'm like man I got started when they were like in diapers man, it's crazy. I don't feel that old but you know I'm getting up there. So I've been in- yeah I've been flipping for 20 years now. I found Carleton Sheets' "No Down Payment System" on a late night infomercial, I think a lot of people know who that is, at least maybe those that are a little bit older, OG of education, and taught me how to buy properties with no money down so you know I bought that in April 2001 and September of 2001 I was getting ready to close my first two properties and 9/11 hit and luckily I was in Wichita KS so there wasn't a big effect on the market but it was kind of an interesting time to get into real estate 'cause there's a lot of uncertainty but so from that program the no down payment system just like it says it's like how do you get in properties with no money down? So I ended up raising money for my first two properties like I said it's closing September- December 2001 and I like to say I invented BRRRR but I'm sure it was happening before then but I BRRRR-ed my first ten properties. So BRRRR is buy, renovate, rent, refinance, repeat for those who are new to the term and I did it to my first ten properties. It was crazy 'cause I bought 10 properties and I think we had like $250,000 in equity or something like that.

David: So you did this in 2001?

Tony: This was 2001.

David: Wow man that's crazy, that's awesome, very cool.

Tony: Yeah. So I actually just ended up selling probably half of those properties just literally like in the last few months so- but yeah I've been doing it pretty much since then. I was just talking today, we- you know we still raise money, I actually lend money myself and I've got many different businesses. So I live in San Diego, I got my business you know, automated 7- let's see six or seven years ago in Wichita KS and became very hands off and met my wife who's from Canada and we moved to San Diego and we operate our businesses from here so we you know, we run many different programs and help real estate investors from TV commercials that we run for real estate investors around the country to funding properties for real estate investors and you know a lot of other things so we're you know heavily in the space, I'm running TV in multiple markets myself around the country and just loving this business man, so much opportunity to it.

David: Man that's amazing. So you've been in the game for 20 years, I've been in the game for about 17 but I was passive for the first 10 meaning I was just buying like one a year, was paying full retail, you know don't do what I did. So when you first started, you were doing BRRRR, did you- have you been doing that for 20 years or did you, you know at some point start wholesaling and doing fix and flips as well or you know I'm just kind of curious about that.

Tony: Yeah so I'm a flipper by nature.

David: Okay.

Tony: And over the years I've just kept properties you know here and there and now like I mentioned before we hit play here, the last- gosh I wanna say about nine months now we've just been holding everything unless it's a higher price property I may sell it but you know rents are going up, prices are going up and even properties we bought six months ago I'm getting reappraised for anywhere from 20 to 75 thousand dollars more than we thought the highest ARV was at that time in Wichita KS so it's not like San Diego. San Diego would be a different story, it'd be like probably $200,000 more.

David: Yeah.

Tony: But yeah from day one that's what I did was just buy discounted properties, I've never that I can remember, I don't think I've ever bought anything retail.

David: The only property I have is the one I'm sitting in 'cause of course the wife wanted it and you know, it's in a good area but other than you know well I shouldn't say that, the first 10 years I was buying retail but since I went full time, same. Yeah man, that's amazing. So flipper by nature, been BRRRR-ing for 20 years, fix and flip and wholesale I'm sure. So let's talk about leads 'cause you know a lot of the listeners here are new and/or you know haven't been in the game as long as you and I have, and the main thing that I'd like to teach you know on this show and just all my students is you know, don't pay retail for properties, buy them at a discount but in order to do that, you have to have the ability to get direct to the seller. So what kind of strategies are you using to get direct to the seller?

Tony: Yeah so 10 years ago, I'll tell you a story, so 10 years ago I was at- I met a friend at a networking event. He introduced me to another friend so I was playing poker at his house that night. So we go down to the basement he's got these tables set up you know and so we're sitting at the table and then down the stairs walks this guy and I'm like I know that guy, I'm like oh man that guy is on TV, you know I get this little celebrity factor thing in my head. He's just a contractor and I say just a contractor but you know what I'm saying like-

David: Sure.

Tony: A normal guy but he was on TV and he sits you know next to me and I was like hey man, you know how are your TV commercial's doing for you? Just kind of you know quizzing them, I'm pretty curious and I just started drilling him about his commercials and he's like dude I do $2 million a year of construction business just off my TV commercial like that's all the marketing we do. And so you know I was like well how did you do it? You know what does it cost? And he's like you know what? Talk to my media guy Drew, he's the one that got me on there, he'll answer all your questions. So next day, pick up the phone, I'm like hey Drew man, heard you're the man. He's like yeah let me you know, let me call the stations and see if I can get you some shows that I think would be good for your demographic. Calls me back you know I don't know few days later he's like yeah I got some good rates man, here they are you know and he's like you know I need you to put a script together, you can come and shoot the commercial, we'll work on it together. So within about a month I had a commercial, I was on TV myself right?

David: Man that quick, only took a month.

Tony: It took a- it was probably less than that. I mean you know, now we help real estate investors on you know around the country getting on TV. I guess we've refined the process but yeah we can get someone on TV in less than 30 days so yeah it was very quick, very efficient, my media guy was unbelievable. So over the last 10 years, I am one of the only if not the only real estate- actually I knew one real estate investor until about a couple years ago that was on TV, since then I've been [inaudible] others outside of our program but I joined a high level mastermind about 7 years ago and me and one other guy out of 120 to 150 high level investors, we're only two on TV right? I didn't know I was sitting on a goldmine for other people. About 2 years ago, someone approached me they're like man you got a gold mine why don't you teach other people what you do? And I said you know, I don't know if I wanna do that or not, and then he kept nudging me and this guys like man you got to do it. So I called my media guy Drew and I said hey if I show people my scripts, if I show them what stations have worked for me, 'cause over 10 years we've tried different stuff and tested different stuff so we feel like we have like a really good formula together of what works. I said if I show people what I'm doing, will you do the fulfillment and help them buy the media, call the stations, because that's one of the biggest reasons that real estate investors don't get on TV is first of all they think it's too expensive, second of all they start calling the stations and the stations are like yeah we'll sell you this 10 to 15 thousand dollar package of commercials and this is for one station where most markets we can get on like 4 stations for 5000 a month, right? And so he came on board and he said yeah let's go and so we launched a couple of years ago and started getting great results and we're just- our clients are crushing it around the country getting insane results. We're working- we've sold 135 spots around the country of real estate investors running TV and most of them when we launch them in the market they're just crushing it right out of the gate. So that is the long answer to TV is my number one marketing method as you can probably imagine, it's been the last 10 years. And then on top of that we do a little bit of Facebook, that's not a great money getter but it's you know getting keeping in front of people. We do Google PPC, we just spend a little bit of money, get a few deals a year off of that. Actually I think postcards are probably the next biggest thing that we do on top of TV which actually works very well with TV 'cause we put as seen on TV on our postcard and a lot of people call us from our postcard and say hey we got a stack of postcards and we called you first because you're on TV and we don't know these other guys.

David: So it's instant credibility.

Tony: Instant credibility yeah and it's converting- and our clients are saying the same thing, they're converting deals with postcards they normally wouldn't have because of their commercials so yeah so that's- and let's see what else? We do a lot of other just random little things like we text you know realtors, you know you can only text them so many times so we're not big on that but we probably get a deal or two a year off of that, and then just a mix of all the other things. Now I've been in the business long enough we get you know referrals, word of mouth, realtors sending us deals 'cause we're on TV and I've been in the business long enough that people know who I am in the market and you know that kind of thing.

David: Do you- so I got a couple questions, this is great. So I love the fact that you said you don't have to spend 10 or 15 thousand dollars, you know you can get in for a couple 1000 bucks a month and maybe even have multiple stations for that type of an ad spend. Do you recommend the investor be in the commercial?

Tony: 100%, there's an exception to that. I'd say about 10% of our clients either think they're too white, too dark, too young, too old, too big of an accent or good looking enough, you know there's all kinds of random reasons that people you know, don't wanna be on TV but most of our clients are comfortable in TV, they're high level investors some of them are already doing video so 100%. And I set this up like I would want it set up so you know full disclosure on the ad spend so you get every- get the full schedules and then your brand is in there and then we want you in the commercial because you're the business owner, it is beneficial that you know, you do talk to the clients and you do go to the houses but the big question I get is you're in San Diego or you know if I'm doing a virtual market or someone not doing acquisitions, is it okay for them to be in the commercial but not go out to the properties? And I say 100%, the last you know, 7 years, I think it's been 7 years since I've been on a seller appointment, we bought hundreds of houses since then.

David: But you're the one on the commercial for your market then?

Tony: Absolutely.

David: Got it.

Tony: And very rarely does anybody ask for me and if they do, I get one person a year that's like adamant and won't talk to anybody else and I'm like sorry I just- you know I can't. I can't just drop what I'm doing and try and talk to you know everybody that wants to talk to me but usually my team is pretty good about saying you know what? He's hired us to help him, we're gonna give you better service 'cause he's really busy so you know let us see what we can do for you and if he needs to come in and talk to you then he will and usually they can overcome that objection.

David: You know what's funny? And I love that you say that 'cause I would yeah I agree and I think that that's a great answer. So I have a virtual assistant, he's a rock star, he's been with me for 7 years, his name is Dennis and when I show up 'cause I do acquisitions still just because I live in my market and I actually kind of enjoy it oddly enough. I know a lot of people they want to outsource that first, to me I want outsource everything and then just do that once or twice a day if I'm in town of course but the point that I was trying to make is that you know Dennis is typically the one that's answering the inbound calls and you know even doing some of the outbound marketing and when I show up, I'm the owner of the company but they're like well where's Dennis at? You know and I'm like well actually-

Tony: And you said he's a VA?

David: Yeah he's a virtual assistant, he's got really good English you know but they'll be like well where's Dennis at? Dennis is great, we talked to him for 30 minutes the other day and we figured he would be the one coming out and I'm like well you know, Dennis is on my team and you know he's a valued member of the team but I'm the owner and I'm the one that's gonna write the check to buy the property, is it okay if you work with me? You know and it's never a problem but it's funny because it hasn't happened like once or twice, I'm talking like 50 times where's Dennis? You know and it's like well.

Tony: Well that means he's doing a good job right?

David: That means he's doing a good job and that's why he's still on my team, that's right.

Tony: And it's awesome you say that 'cause people are like how do you have a lead manager that's a virtual assistant 'cause I have one too.

David: Yeah.

Tony: And I'm like she's got a little bit of an accent but the thing is like if you- if they're like positive, they're upbeat, they're giving good service, they're good on the phone like people aren't really going to care if they have it, now it's like really thick accent and obviously but yeah I think virtual assistant's for lead managers are great.

David: Agreed 100%. Okay so I got some questions I want to fire off at you here real quick. Do the networks- do they have- do they require you to sign a contract? And I would imagine, excuse me, I'd imagine that it may vary of course but from 130 plus students, what are you typically seeing? Is it pretty standard all across the country or no?

Tony: Well here's the thing, we do the implementation so we call them clients 'cause we're actually doing the work for them, most of the work and so if someone goes to the stations themselves, again they're gonna try and pitch them the most expensive stuff, they're not gonna know your business, they're gonna try and write scripts for you, they have no idea you know, who you're targeting, it's just- you know it's really hard dealing directly with the stations. And so when we come in as a representative, it's kind of like having a buyers agent for you and we're like okay here's the deal, we're doing this all over the country, we have great success, we have a system and if someone called directly to the station, they would try and sell them the really expensive package and they're trying to get at least a 6 month if not 12 month commitment. So when we come in we're like we're not doing that. So not only are we not paying your rates, we're gonna negotiate those rates, but we also want the ability to cancel the commercials within a 30 day time frame and sometimes we can even get it down to 2 weeks.

David: Nice.

Tony: We'll actually book it out as far as we can 'cause we get really good rates.

David: Sure.


Tony: And so those rates are locked in for a long time but in our contract says that we can cancel within a 30 day notice or sometimes even, we can even get it down to 2 weeks so there's not a long term commitment, it's very inexpensive compared to what you think it's going to be and we get our clients anywhere from usually on the low end it's like 4 to 5 hundred commercials a month and I think the most we've gotten a client is like 1200 commercials a month. That means they're on air anywhere from like 10 to 15 times a day up to 40 times a day.

David: Wow.

Tony: So they're getting seen a lot.

David: Seen a bunch.

Tony: And that's why our clients are doing so well.

David: Holy cow man, that's awesome, that's so awesome. So the- what would you recommend in terms of- in terms of you know, is it better to be on more stations or is it better to just really saturate you know one or two stations? Does it matter?

Tony: Yeah it's combination of the two. So we never recommend just one station so typically we do two and we try and saturate those two stations first and then if someone has the budget for it, we get him a third station. So a $5000 budget in a small market can get anywhere from two to four stations, you get into the bigger markets if you want to be on all four or five stations. We have about five stations that typically have the shows that we'd recommend, you know that could be quite a bit more expensive where it's like 15 to 20 grand a month.

David: Sure.

Tony: But most markets I would say probably 50% of the markets throughout the country have $5000 budget so you could get them on anywhere from two to four stations, small markets 5000 bucks get you like 1000 commercials a month it's crazy.

David: Yeah that's a lot of commercials man.

Tony: It's a lot and our clients are seen that are spending 5 grand a month I mean you do the math on it, you do one deal you're getting probably a four to five times return on your investment and we have some clients that are doing you know 3, 4, 5, even some that have done 10 deals in a month you know.

David: For sure.

Tony: And spending 5 grand a month right?

David: Yeah 5 grand a month let's say that they're only doing 10,000 on a deal right so that's 50,000 so that's a 45K net on that spend, that is- that's amazing holy cow. And hopefully they're doing more than 10 grand on that deal you know so.

Tony: Yeah I've got one client that was at one point was consistently doing 100 and 200 grand a month, his best month off of $5000 ad spend was 200 grand and then he sent me his numbers for the first 3 months of this year and he's doing averaging 80 grand a month on a 5000 dollar ad spend.

David: Holy cow. Now is he fix and flip? Is he wholesale? What's he doing?

Tony: Well that's the thing is he's doing wholesale, fix and flip, and buy and hold so that's not including the buy and hold properties that he's not getting income on.

David: I love it. So he's gaining equity there all across the board and then he's just giving you the numbers on what's actually putting in his bank account from the wholesales or from the fix and flips, that's amazing.

Tony: Exactly yeah.

David: Holy cow. So Tony, if somebody's you know wanting to learn more about you know, working with you and your team and getting on the radio, where do they go? Do they connect with you on social media? Do you have a website? What's the program called?

Tony: Yeah so it's TV, people get radio and TV mixed up all the time so TV. Go to so that stands for real estate masters, that's the name of the program: Real Estate Masters TV, there you go. Yeah just go- we do sell out of markets pretty frequently so if you're interested I would definitely go ASAP. We've sold out a little more than a third, we're getting close to half the US just in the last about a year and a half to 2 years, I think our official official launch was about a year and a half ago, we did a soft launch a couple of years ago. So the cool thing is that this is plug and play in any market so we've got several clients that either do their market or their main market and they start plugging into other markets or if your market's taken we can still look at another market that's close to you or where you have maybe some JV partners on the ground. And we also have a JV partnership so for those that want me as a partner, I'm actually willing for the right partners to do TV with them in different markets and we will actually do- we'll actually answer the calls, take the leads, our JV partners are typically the ones that do the deals and we actually bring the funding so we're doing some really cool wholetail deals right now. I've got a deal right now in Texas with a JV partner, we closed on it for 135, we funded that 100% and we just sold it for 225 without doing any work to it except for cleaning it up.

David: Clean it up and clean it out I love it.

Tony: Yeah that's it and we've got several other deals we're doing that are like light rehab that are gonna do anywhere from 30,000 to- I think we have another deal that maybe close to 100 grand, that's a little bit of a bigger rehab but we've got some great deals cranking and TV, you know TV brings those big deals because you know when you're doing TV, the great thing is you're the only one typically they call, you know? When you do direct mail, everyone's hitting the same list, when you're doing cold calling and texting, same list. TV, like very rarely are people doing TV in a market so when a TV commercial comes on and someone calls, they're very motivated and typically you're the only one going out so you can get a better deal. So we have several clients that are doing $100,000 wholesale and wholetail deals from their TV commercials.

David: Man that is phenomenal. Alright well tell me something else about TV that I don't- I probably don't know or that this audience doesn't know. I know you gotta have something up your sleeve.

Tony: There's a lot of stuff that people don't know and that's why we keep it up our sleeve.

David: Hahahaha.

Tony: But I'll tell you one thing.

David: Okay.

Tony: People are gonna look at you way different.

David: That's right.

Tony: I live in San Diego, when I go to Wichita I can tell there- that you know people looking at me like you know like they kind of know me.

David: It's him, it's that guy yeah.

Tony: And every once in awhile someone's like "Tony Javier! The real estate guy" and it's like yeah I pay to be on TV, you know you can act like I get paid to be on TV but you know whatever but no it's instant credibility and people are just like whether it's contractors- I actually had a private lender come into our office from a TV commercial, this is when I was still living in Wichita, and he's like hey I wanna invest in real estate but I don't really wanna buy houses you know and so we get in a conversation and we're like hey we do private- we have private lenders that lend on deals all the time so within about a 12 month period, him and his parents had over $1,000,000 invested with us and anytime I get a referral from someone local in Wichita where we get on the phone even though I live in San Diego and they're like oh yeah I've seen you on TV, it's a slam dunk deal like they just know like you know, they just know that because we're on TV that we're more credible than just Joe Shmoe on the streets so.

David: Man so many advantages, the instant credibility and that in itself is like 5 things right? Like they're only gonna wanna work with you, they're not gonna wanna call other people, you know, you're instantly famous and if you do- if you are in a market where you're doing the commercials as well as the acquisitions they're gonna be like starstruck when you come through the front door and like oh my God it's the guy that's on TV, this is great, and what I really like about it too is and you mentioned this is that there's not a lot of people doing it whereas I've gone on property appointments where there's been a stack of postcards 2 inches thick on the table.

Tony: Yeah.

David: You know? And we do some cold calling and some cold texting and it's starting to get- I shouldn't say starting, it's been pretty aggressive and competitive but it's getting to the point now where you know, you text somebody and say hey you know, are you the owner of this property? You know let's say it's a vacant property that's got high equity and they say yeah you're the 15th guy this week that's sent me a text message about it, you know so competition in a lot of these other you know forms of marketing has gotten pretty fierce but there's really not that many people you know, doing television so that's why I'm very very intrigued by this source of marketing. Another thing is the marketing that is inbound in my opinion and I would imagine you'll agree, is typically a higher quality lead than the outbound. I mean we might have to do 50 outbound leads to get a deal whereas the inbound it may be only 5 or 10 or 15, I mean it's a substantially lot- a whole lot less with the inbounds versus the outbound so not only is it going to give you a ton of advantages, it's cost effective or can be, but it's also gonna allow you to work less and make more. I mean who doesn't wanna do more with less? Like that's my number one goal in life is you know how do I do more with less? I don't- more isn't more, less is more, right? So if you can do less with more, you're gonna be- you're gonna be much better off. Man Tony this has been great. Tell everybody once again where they can learn more about you and your program.

Tony: Yeah go to and just a short little application, fill out a- fill out a form and then schedule a call with my team and we'll let you know what markets we have available and see how we can help you.

David: You heard it from the man himself Tony Javier, I didn't screw up his name that time.

Tony: You got it.

David: Tony Javier, he is the man. And Tony what's your favorite social platform?

Tony: That I'm on you mean?

David: Yep.

Tony: Well mostly Facebook, I actually had my- it was a crazy story so I had I had someone mimic my Instagram.

David: No way.

Tony: And I was growing it and I had so many people message me like hey you know, someone mimicking you and they're like trying to get me to buy crypto, they're mess- you know. It looked- like everything was duplicated exactly like my account so I go on Instagram and turn them in and they shut me down before they shut the other guy down-

David: Oh that makes it really hard.

Tony: It went by for a week and they finally shut the other guy down and they won't give me back my account, it's so frustrating.

David: Aw man.

Tony: Anyway you can still connect me with me there, Tony Javier REI is my new Instagram so I'm having to grow that back again so anyway things happen for a reason and you know maybe there was a reason that needed to happen but really frustrating but you can find me on Facebook or Instagram and yeah connect with me there.

David: I love it. Tony thanks so much for coming on the show today. Guys don't forget: you make your money when you buy, you get paid when you sell so do not buy properties at retail, learn the direct to seller marketing game because once you do, you will have the ability and the skill set to find deals. And once you find a deal, all of the doors, all the exit options open to you. You can wholesale those deals, you can fix and flip those deals, you can add them to the portfolio and use the BRRRR method like Tony and I love to do. So at the end of the day just understand that you make your money when you buy and you get paid when you sell. Tony any parting words for the audience?

Tony: No you did such a good point you know, less is more. Like the more you can work- the less you can work in your business like today I went and I played and honestly I have to disclose to you I had to push our call back an hour, I had to go play pickleball.

David: Hey that's okay. Yeah that's fun.

Tony: So like I had some meetings clear up and I'm- I need two or three hours just to go hit a ball.

David: Yeah.

Tony: And I do that probably two or three times a week, I go flying and it's all because I was able to set my business up where it doesn't really need me anymore. I have 5 different businesses I'm running, I have really good people in place so I just encourage you guys to find good people, step up your hiring game, find people like David that can teach you how to do what you wanna do and where you wanna be and the sky is the absolute limit. I didn't think you know 10 years ago when I landed in San Diego and fell in love with it, I thought it was gonna be 10 to 20 years before I'd moved to San Diego, ended up happening within like 5 years and then knowing that I'm in San Diego doing the things I'm doing, getting ready to buy a plane I'm flying in beautiful San Diego, I just- I share that because so many things are possible in this business if you just believe that it can happen and just get connected with some great people.

David: I love it man, that's great advice, I love it. Awesome. Alright guys that's a wrap, signing off, thanks for listening. Don't forget: you make your money when you buy, you get paid when you sell. Until next time, signing off.


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Get started in real estate investing with minimal investment. Learn to buy rentals with little to no money out of pocket, designed by David Dodge & Mike Slane.

Ultimate Wholesale Course

Master the wholesale real estate industry. Gain skills in sourcing, negotiating, pricing, and marketing to build or expand your wholesale business.

Ultimate Landlord Course

Learn the BRRRR Method to create wealth and cash flow through rental properties. Use Other People's Money to maximize your investment potential and build a profitable portfolio.

Get in Touch

Address:Ā 1750 S Brentwood Blvd, Suite 503 Saint Louis, MO 63144

Phone:Ā (314) 254-8830

Email:Ā  [email protected]