Real EstateĀ Blog &Ā Podcast

Episode 36: What is a Lifeonaire with Shaun McCloskey

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 21, 2022

Show Notes

In this episode we have a very special guest join us by the name of Shaun McCloskey!  If you have not heard of Shaun or his program called Lifeonaire then you are in for a special treat.  In this episode Mike and David interview Shaun about his business; lifeonaire, and also how having a vision is so important.  Additionally, we learn a little bit about what Shaun did before he started coaching his students how to create a life of true freedom vs all work and no play.  He tells us about his real estate investing career and how his overhead was out of control.  He tells us about his 100K+ wholesale deal and how that day was not the best day of his life but actually one of the worst.  What an awesome interview!   Shaun is actually going to be hosting an event here in St. Louis, MO on June 22nd-24th.  For more information about this even checkout:

Quotable Quote:  "I've never heard of a debt-free real estate investor going out of business"  - Shaun McCloskey

Episode Transcripts

Mike: Alright guys, welcome back to the Discount Property Investor Podcast, you host Mike Slane joined by David Dodge.

David: Hey guys!

Mike: If you haven't listened to us before, please check out the, that's where we show you everything you need to know to get started in wholesaling. So if you haven't listened checked out our first 10 episodes. We kind of go over the basics of wholesaling there. Today we are joined by a special guest; we have Shaun McCloskey on the line. Shaun, are you there with us?

Shaun: I am, how are you man?

Mike: Doing good, thank you so much for coming out.

David: Yeah, hey Shaun, how is going buddy?

Shaun: Hey! Thanks for having me.

David: Absolutely.

Mike: So yeah we are on the phone with Shaun. So Shaun where are you located?

Shaun: I am in Wildwood Missouri, just west of St Louis.

David: Awesome. You are just down the road from us man, that's great.

Shaun: Yeah, not far at all.

David: Well Shaun, we are happy to have you as a guest on the podcast today. We wanted to do a quick little interview, and talk about Lifeonaire. What Lifeonaire is, how it helps people and just get some more information about it. I saw you speak at a local Lifeonaire R.I.E.A just about -- last week or the week before. I have -- been following you for -- probably about 2 or 3 years and -- I signed up for your two or three day event that is going to be coming up here in the next month. I am looking forward to it, I am super excited. I know that some of the people, who have been through the program, heard nothing but super positive feedback about it. Yeah I just wanted to get some more information about it and -- inform our listeners and our viewers about -- Lifeonaire.

Shaun: Well thank you. First of all I am thankful you are coming to the event because -- Lifeonaire I have found is one of the hardest things to explain in a minute or two so -- I am going to do my best here. Usually it takes me 90 minutes to explain it, and it takes me three days to take people through this process. Convert that into a quick explanation. The quick explanation is, everybody knows what the word 'millionaire' is, right? We live in a country where people are pursuing that millionaire lifestyle which is fine. The challenge is most people are pursuing it at the expense of everything else they say that is important to them. In fact, as business owners, I feel like most business owners -- I have been coaching business owners all over the country now for -- gosh ten years. I have noticed a pattern where business owners tend to be this -- unique yet not so unique set of individuals that go out -- and the number one desire for most of them is freedom. Most of them got into business for themselves because they want to tell their boss to take a hike. They don’t want people to tell them when they have to be at work or where, or how long they have to work, or how much money they are capped at making and things like that. The challenge is, they want freedom more than anything. Yet the freedom is typically the one thing entrepreneurs’ give up in pursuing freedom. Which is kind of ironic. Here you have these entrepreneurs; especially real estate investors -- which I know your audience is and -- to give you an idea -- I have flipped more than 300 houses at this point, so I know -- where -- your listeners are coming from.

I did the same thing; in pursuit of creating bigger business and doing more wholesale deals and -- being able to flip more houses, I wanted more and more freedom. It almost felt like the more deals I started to do -- I started to get a glimpse of freedom so I kept going. But I build a business that was the exact opposite of freedom. And so -- if I could sum it up, Lifeonaire is not just about pursuing millionaire lifestyle, although that is fine. Lifeonaire is about having a life. It is also about building a business, and having money, and all those things that you want. But not at the expense of life. So we put life first and we teach you how to do that, we take you through a process -- it's a simple process but it is not easy. It is one -- the more I speak and share this message, the more I have found out that 99% of people have never gone through something like this. If they have, they might have done the process, but -- the 1 or 2 or 3% that have done; have actually done it in the wrong order, so they get them all backwards. So I try to help people have a life and make money, have a great business all at the same time.

David: Shaun I love that, man. I love that you said that -- it is simple but now easy because -- Mike and I say that a ton in this podcast whenever we are teaching people about wholesaling [00:05:07.22 - inaudible] and what it consists of. The wholesaling is also a very simple business but not always easy. But I love that man, it's great. I am super excited to come out and attend the -- event you are going to be having next month. Like I said, I think it's amazing; everything I have talked to about it has given nothing but positive feedback like I was saying. So super excited.

So we have about 30 minutes on this call here. I just kind of wanted to jump into a couple of the topics that you have just mentioned. So, you had mentioned that people get into -- entrepreneurship, they start a business because they are looking for freedom. 9 times out of 10, probably 99 times out of 100 -- people -- they actually don’t have that freedom at all, because they are totally consumed with the process of being an entrepreneur, making money and giving it their all.

Shaun: Real quick, I don't mean to paint people into a box, but it is not just entrepreneurs. Because -- even when I was in the cooperate world -- I was a guy who -- I never went to college, I went for a whopping four months. I decided I wanted to go out in the world and learn from that experience and make some money. When I got in the cooperate world I worked my way up the cooperate ladder. I got to a position where I was 24 years old; I was managing 13 people, most of which were older than me. But I worked hard to work my way up the ladder. So it's not just entrepreneurs. I worked hard thinking, the more I worked my way up the ladder, the easier things are going to get. What I found is, the more I worked my way up the ladder, I did start to make more money, but the more expectations came of me. Pretty soon -- I am a regional sales manager responsible for [00:06:58.13 - inaudible] in the company I was in. I am working 70 hours a week because that is what they expected of me. That's for a long time what I had to do in order to hit our sales numbers. So I painted a picture of entrepreneurs’ but I want to make that very clear; it's not just entrepreneurs’ you know?

David: No, that's a great point. You are right; it's not just entrepreneurs’. How long did you work that job?

Shaun: 7 years.

David: 7 years, holy cow! What came next? Was that your first job after your 4 month stint of school?

Shaun: No, I tried a number of things before -- I got fire from a number of jobs before I found that one that didn't fire me.

David: I love it! So what came next after that job there?

Shaun: Well that is when I started real estate -- in 2003 I got asked at my role to start slowly letting go all of my staff because the market was changing and everything else. I never could figure out why that business went completely under; it was the beeper business, pager business, remember those?

David: Oh yeah!

Shaun: Cell phones are coming out -- it's an interesting story because the pager business -- I worked for a company called Page net which was the largest one on earth, and they did not change with the times. Since they did not, they are no longer in existence. That was a great lesson for me --

David: Me to, they didn't innovate.

Shaun: Yeah.

David: It's like Radio Shack and -- all these other companies out there, I hear that. So you started --

Shaun: Once I started to downsize my staff and I let go everybody in my staff -- I was the last person to get the axe. After 7 years of service I got a whopping 2 months’ salary as an exit strategy to make sure I don't sue them -- so I got 2 months’ severance for 7 years of working 7 years -- in that moment I thought, you know what? There is no freaking security in a job -- that can be here today and gone tomorrow, and get a whopping 2 months’ severance for 7 years worth of service. That's when I started my real estate business.

David: Man -- I hear that. It's crazy, and it happens so often all the time I am sure every day. So -- tell us a little bit about your real estate business, because -- the listeners, the viewers, they -- didn't hear you speak like I did -- last week or so, I guess it was 2 weeks ago -- whenever you spoke at the local REIA and -- that speech you have given about your business, then about your overhead and the vehicle, all that stuff -- it blew me away I was super impressed. I know we are limited on time, but tell us about your real estate business.

Shaun: Well let me give an example that will be specific -- that I think your listeners can apply right away. So -- when I sit here and talk about Lifeonaire -- the whole -- framework of Lifeonaire is based on you living your vision. I know that is a corny word that is thrown around a lot these days. Basically there is an old saying that says, without the vision people will perish, right? So I think that is the same -- holds truth the same in our lives. Where if we don’t have a vision for what we want our lives to look like , I promise you, we will start to live whatever our expectations are of our customers, or of our peers -- or for those of you who are listening that have a job -- you will start living based on the expectations of your manager or whoever your report to. So if you are not living your own vision, you are building someone else’s. So the first thing we teach is, you must have a vision for what you want your life to look like. I didn't have that when I started my real estate business, so I defaulted to the visions of the people I went and heard speak. Which -- can be a dangerous thing if you are excited and willing to go out, step out and try new things, then you go see some speaker and they get to the front of the room -- I was that guy -- who was running to the back of the room from knocking people over with my credit card out buying the system.

David: Nice!

Shaun: I don't think that's a bad thing, I learned a lot from that education over time, but I was building a business and I was doing it exactly how they taught me to do it. Now, let me -- I think there is strength in just following the program and just doing what you are told to do -- but -- today when I learned a new program, business or system -- I filter it through my own vision first. Because what I found is; so many of the speakers, not all of them but so many of the speakers who are up there teaching you supposedly how to run this great business, they might have a great business, but how many of them have a great life? I -- have been speaking now for almost ten years and I coach some of the nation’s top speakers in the country. I do a speaker trainer event twice a year -- these people fly in from all over the place learning how to become better speakers so -- I get to know these people really well and I get to know what their lives really look like. Not just the persona you see on stage. I will say there are many of them that are doing really well for themselves financially; many of them don't have a life at all!

David: Right.

Shaun: So I am careful now who I listen to, and what I listen to. Just because somebody knows how to make 3 million bucks a year -- doesn't mean I want emulate everything they are doing, because some of these guys have been divorced 3 times -- they have zero relationship with their kids -- and that is not the life that I want. So, now when I learn a new strategy; let's take one for example. If I am going to -- let's say I am doing wholesaling, right? Let's say I am putting out bandit signs or -- I am doing direct mail or whatever, I have a bunch of marketing going out of the door. At some point, in order for me to buy this house, somebody has to call me, right? So I used to take every single phone call myself, it doesn't matter when people called, right? So somebody called at midnight and I heard m phone right, my first thought was, "Oh my marketing is working, I better get the phone because I do not want to lose that deal." But, I didn't filter that through my vision. If I had a vision at the time, my vision wouldn't say to wake up at 3am to answer their phone and be at everyone’s beck and call. But I didn't have a vision so I defaulted to what the guy I was learning from told me to do. He said the phone calls are the most important thing, they drive your business; make sure you answer the phone. So that's what I did.

David: Oh absolutely. You got a great point there too, Shaun, because if you don't have your own vision, the next best thing is the guy who's teaching you vision. You are just going to try and emulate and copy -- that strategy.

Shaun: Yeah. So not only that -- I didn't have a vision either, so when I would talk to somebody, if somebody said, "Hey, the only time I can meet you this week -- I have a great deal, you can buy me house. The only time I can meet you is at 7pm tomorrow." Well If I had a vision -- vision says at 7pm I am home with my family and I am eating dinner with them. Because I like to eat dinner with my family, with my kids and everything else. So if I don't have my vision crystal clear, then I will default to my customers expectations, and I will say, "No problem, if 7 is the only time you can meet, that sounds good to me, I will meet." I will put my family to the side, and I will go on that appointment. Now when people hear this, they go -- so what do you do? You're so rich you can just afford to pass up that deal? No. But the difference now is, think about this. If you want to go to Wal-Mart, and Wal-Mart is only open in your area till 9pm, you can't just show up at 10pm and have them alter their vision for you. They are only open till 9. That is the vision they put together for Wal-Mart. So if my vision says I only work till 4 or 5 or whatever in the afternoon -- and I get a call saying I need to be there at 7 -- then my response once my vision is crystal clear is, "I am sorry, we don't do appointments at 7pm, we are going to have to do something during the hours that work for me. When can you do that?" What you will find is, initially everyone is scared to death they are going to lose the deal because they can't do the appointment when the customer wants to do it. But guess what the customer does 99.9% of the time? They adjust their vision to you!

David: Right.

Shaun: And so I have found that I have never to this day lost a single deal because I didn't want to do it at 7pm. Instead, you know what the customer does? They take a sick day at work the next day, and they go when I say I want to go. That sounds really harsh, like everyone just has to -- bend to my needs, that's not what I mean, but -- the fact of the matter is now, I either make things work within the boundaries of my vision, or they just don't work. What I found is, the overwhelming majority of the time, the other people make them work for my vision instead. You know what I mean?

David: Oh I 100% understand what you are saying. It makes perfect sense because I was in that same boat. I had just recently -- have you heard of the strategic coach?

Shaun: I have.

David: Dan -- I can't think of his name.

Shaun: Dan Sullivan?

David: Dan Sullivan. I have just recently listened to one of his audio books about -- time management. He speaks highly -- just exactly what you are saying. We live in the age of the microchip, everybody wants -- everybody expects the communication. Not only for appointments but phone calls, text messages, e-mails to just be instant. You know? You are constantly multi tasking and working on everybody else’s schedules, everybody else’s visions. You are not going to have your own vision; you are not going to have your own schedule. So allocate the time you want to work, to the time you want to work. Everybody will start to understand that's when you work, and you don’t work other times. Like it or not; that's what happens. Like you said, 99% of the time they are just gonna say okay, well if I am going to meet with this individual then I need to meet with them at this time, and that is the way it is -- so. I love it.

Shaun: Check this out too, let's say you do missed business opportunities 0.1% of the time, which most people hear that and they think -- okay it is not really that low. It is that low.

David: It is.

Shaun: Let's say for the sake of this argument, let's just say you missed business opportunities 5 or 10% of the time. Well what you will find is it doesn’t matter. Because the other 90 or 95 or more realistically 99.9% of the time -- you are happy.

David: Such a great point.

Shaun: You love it, and when you are working -- by the way, the person who is not willing to bend at all is either one of two things, either they have such a crystal clear vision that they are not willing to bend either -- which would be a fantastic thing and I would applaud that; unfortunately that is ever the case. Usually the second reason is more true, which is they are going to be a pain in the butt customer anyway --

David: I was just going to say that. Right?

Shan: And I don't want to work with somebody who puts all their demands on me anyway. If somebody showed up to Wal-Mart at 10pm and they are banging on the door saying, "You are going to serve me not matter what!" They would call the cops, right? So you kind of need to be the -- police of your own vision and your own life.

David: Shaun, I love that.

That makes so much sense. Like you said -- you don’t want to be serving them whenever you don’t want to be working -- 80:20 principle. If you can eliminate the 20% of the clients that are going to give you 80% of the headache, that is the easiest way to do it right there. I love it.

Mike: You talk a lot about having your own personal vision. It sounds like it is something that is very important to your life, and it should be in other people's lives but -- I think you mentioned earlier, it is not something a lot of people have. What would you recommend for someone -- I mean how do you form your vision? Obviously I am sure you go into this in your workshop this weekend. Can you give us some insight into that or -- somewhere to get started just to help them form their own vision?

David: Great question, Mike.

Shaun: Yeah, and just so you know, I am not sure if guys are okay with [00:18:47.06] I talked to you beforehand -- do you mind if I just let people know the dates of the St Louis event?

David: Absolutely, please.

Shaun: Okay, it's June 20th through June 22nd. It is here in St Louis. You can go to if you want to learn more about it. But --

Mike: We will put that in the show notes.

Shaun: Basically in three days we take you through this process. Basically -- we are asking you about a million questions over the course of the three days. Some of them are very easy to answer, some of them are very challenging to answer. Most of them are questions you have probably never been asked over the course of your life. So when we do this it is an actual workshop. You are not just coming to a seminar to sit down and listen for three days. We have got a workbook and we are actually putting you to work. So you should leave there with a vision. But basically we are asking you to identify, what do you want life to look like? We are giving you 11 categories to start out with. I know this sounds simple, again it is simple, it is just not necessarily easy. So when I say 11 categories, these are things like -- if you wanted your friendships to look any way possible on earth, how would that look? What would you guys do for fun? By the way I should mention; all of these 11 categories are personal categories that we do before we do business. That is completely counterintuitive to business people who want to jump right in and say, "Show me how to make more money this year."We get to that and it is really important, we tackle money in a big way. However, we don’t start with that.

David: Sure.

Shaun: We start with the personal stuff -- if family could look anyway you wanted it to look, how would it look? Would you be in a relationship? Would you have kids? How would that relationship look with your kids? What would you do for fun? How much time -- I would ask people -- if you are a father, how much time each week -- does it take to be a good father?

David: That's a great question. I am sure it is different for every person.

Shaun: Yeah. Some people say -- well it doesn’t take that much time. You can be efficient as a father. I say, "Does it take one minute a day?" They say, "Well no, it does take more than one minute." I say, "Does it take 24 hours a day, every minute?" Some people go, "Well yes it does." I am like, "Really? You spend 24 hours a day, every waking minute -- " You know so -- the answer is, there is an answer in there, and my answer is going to be different from your answer, and different from the next guys answer, right? But at least we need to decide what that looks like, so we can say -- okay if I was living my personal life -- you guys might remember this, when I showed you the calendar up at the front of the room --

David: I do.

Shaun: That is a very powerful exercise where I say, okay if you are living your vision. One of the exercises we take you through is -- how long does it take each week to actually live your vision? We take each aspect; so if I want to be a good father, I need to put some stuff up on my calendar that show what it means to be a good father, right? If I want to have hobbies; like I play guitar. How much do I want to do that a week? Do I want to do that 22 hours a day? Probably not. Do I want to do it every single day? I don't know. But you get to decide. The way we do this, is we have all of the personal stuff done because -- when we assign all of this personal stuff, let's just say our vision is actually figured out, and we know what we want our life to look like; we can actually determine how much time does it take to live this vision, and the last step of this; which is so powerful for business owners is -- with whatever time is left -- that's when you run your business.

David: Right.

Shaun: Most business owners don’t do that. Most business owners -- at the beginning of the year, of the month, of the week or whatever -- they fill up their calendar with all their work stuff this week, then they fit in their personal stuff with what's left.

David: You fit it in the back end. Absolutely. When you did that exercise, it was pretty eye opening to me because -- your calendar was almost filled up with personal life --

Shaun: Yeah.

David: Holy cow! How does this guy have any time to do anything -- work related. You just squease it in the gaps you know -- you weren't already focusing on -- Church and dinner and kids, family time -- so on and so forth. So --

Shaun: Which goes wholly against the grain of what entrepreneurs think you should do. There is so many programs out there like -- TEN-X right now with Grant Cordone -- there is a young speaker, a young guy that says work your face off. They have all these mottos and I think it is a bunch of crap! Listen, most of those people are saying work, work, work now, so you can have this great life later. Here is my challenge on that. What if you get hit by a bus three months from now? Or worse, let’s say you do this, let's say you are willing to sacrifice everything for just five short years so you can have it all one day, and at the end of the day on the fifth year, you have finally arrived and you get cancer?

David: Right.

Shaun: You know? So to me, I am like man -- I work really hard for about 24 hours a week. That's my schedule, if I am living my vision; I only have 24 hours left a week to work. Which means, I don’t have time to jack around with non productive stuff. I only have 24 hours, so I will tell you this; you get about 100 times more productive, if I have 70 hours a week, guess what? I will stretch the same amount of garbage out for 70 hours a week. You know we all do this?

David: Right.

Shaun: But if I only have 24, guess what? I am very strict on what I will do and what I will not do. Even this podcast, unfortunately I wanted to do it earlier -- but it took a little while because I only had 24 hours in the week to do it, and I was already full.

David: Sure.

Shaun: So I could have said yes and don’t this a week or two earlier; but I would have knocked out the kid's soccer game or -- jumping on the trampoline with them, or -- those things to me are -- every bit as important as what I am trying to accomplish with sharing this message.

David: I love it, man. It makes perfect sense and I respect you for that. That's awesome, very cool.

Mike: That is very cool. It is kind of like that concept that I don’t know if you have heard it. The day before you go on vacation is like the most productive day out of that year.

David: You got to cram it all in.

Shaun: That's right. We always tell people that the day before they left to go to the Lifeonaire event, were you more productive or less productive? They are like, I was way more productive. Why? Well I didn't have time to mess around with stuff that didn’t matter. I am like, what if you did that every day?

David: Right? I love it. Shaun, we got about give minutes left here. I know you got another call coming up. I want to touch on two things real quick. So usually whenever we do the podcast, we don’t publish for three or four weeks. I am going to make an effort to get this out there this week. So I would like to do two things. First and foremost, let’s recap on your event. I want to spread the word and help you fill some seats in the event that you still have some seats available. Then two, I wanted you to describe really quickly if you don’t mind -- for two or three minutes talk about -- the time that you spoke about your business and your overhead and -- just how it all hit you like a brick wall.

Shaun: Yeah, first we do still have seats available for the Lifeonaire event -- now we will be printing workbooks here very soon. So I want to encourage anybody if you are going to sign up, do it very quickly. You can do it at It is just like the work millionaire -- but Lifeonaire. L.I.F.E.O.N.A.I.R.E.SPECIAL.COM and that will get you a whole package. Not only do you get to go to the event but you get a debt free investing home study course. The whole thing is a few hundred bucks, it is really cheap.

David: Awesome.

Shaun: Okay as far as overheads -- oh man.

David: Yeah, this is one of the things that really jumped out at me when we spoke -- this last week, because I can kind of relate. We have a business similar to yours and our overhead is through the roof. We make great money but at the same time it's like -- man, we got to find that happy medium between getting too crazy out of control with overhead and so on and so forth, so go ahead.

Shaun: Man, I can relate. When I first got started back in 2003 -- in flipping houses -- I was literally on my knees in the basement of my house, with my wife. I remember us praying -- God just help us make 5k on our first deal. If we do we will just be set. We did, I went out and did my first deal and -- I won’t bore you with the details. My first deal I did not get educated at all. I actually lost a ton of money. I lost north of $80,000 on my first deal.

David: Wow.

Shaun: So I love what you guys are doing here with the podcast. You are teaching people how to not make the stupid -- there was no podcast in 2003 so --

David: Right.

Shaun: You either had to spend 5k on an event or -- there is nothing else out there so -- not there is a plethora of information. So -- I went out with my second deal and I make about 12,000 bucks on my second deal. My third one started better, and it got better and better. Well I started going to seminar after seminar. At this point, I would have to add up how much I spent. But I might as well have gone to college. I think i spent probably 140, maybe 150 on seminars at this point.

David: Sure.

Shaun: I will say, many of them were really good. Some of them really sucked.

David: That's the way it is. Absolutely.

Shaun: I went to learn back in the day from a guy named Chris Kushner. Chris -- and I are deal friends today, I love the guy to death. But what I didn’t know at the time was -- Chris had a huge locomotive that he had to feed every single month. Again, I didn’t know this at the time -- but in 2008 and 2009 when things changed, he could no longer feel the locomotive how he was feeding it for so many years and -- he lost everything.

David: Bummer.

Shaun: A lot of investors -- but I will tell you this, I have never heard if a debt free -- real estate investor going out of business. So I learned a lot about expenses and I -- did everything he taught me, and I did everything all the other gurus taught me to do. Pretty soon I was spending $6000 a month in marketing, sending out direct mail. I have a full time marketing girl who is doing all of my marketing for me -- then I have a guy that is going on all the appointments for me -- I got a guy, I was doing a lot of short sales back then. So I had a guy who was negotiating with the bank and -- all of these salaries and expenses and everything started to add up, but I was making a ton of money.

David: You had a nice big grand office, right?

Shaun: Yeah, I had this big beautiful office that -- anybody who showed up at the office -- I wanted to make sure they would think -- Shaun really made it.

David: How any people came there?

Shaun: In the course of the three years we had the office; by the way I got the office because I wanted to look professional -- not only for the people that I worked with but mostly for my clients.

David: Sure.

Shaun: In the course of three years of buying hundreds of houses -- literally three clients came to my office. So here I am spending 5 or 6 grand a month -- by the time that you add up -- the lease -- it was a triple net lease so you got taxes and insurance to pay for -- your internet, the electricity, the heating and cooling and all this stuff -- I am spending 5 or 6 grand a month -- just in my office. So pretty soon you add all these things up, my expenses for to be $34,000 a month. I will tell you this man, people will go, how did you let it creep up so much? This wasn’t like I blinked one day and it was 34 grand. This happened over the course of time and I didn’t even realize I was that frog sitting in the pot -- the temperature is being cranked up, I’m boiling myself alive.

David: Great analogy I love it.

Shaun: I think the moment for me one of the things that I -- share that, when you heard me speak, the moment for me is -- I finally went out and did this wholesale deal. This was the most epic deal I had ever done. I made $102,000 in proceeds on this property that I owned for like ten minutes. I should have been totally excited and yet -- this was one of the worst days of my whole career. People here that and thye go -- are you crazy? How can that be a bad day? That was the day I realized to biggest deal of my whole life -- attached with $34,000 in expenses -- only bought me three months of freedom.

David: Bought you 90 days.

Shaun: Yeah man. I thought about that, I am like man, if I don’t -- so I can relax for 90 days -- but if I don’t do a deal again 4 months from now -- guess what? I owe 34 grand that month, if I let that go -- and you know, in the real estate business you are always going to have a month time to time where you don’t do a flip, that's just how it works, right?

David: Sure.

Shaun: Maybe two months. So if I don’t do a deal in two months, I am now $70,000 behind that I need to get caught back up with before I start making money. So -- now we teach people how to run a business with very simple expenses, and -- I will tell you this, man, a lot of wholesalers right now -- and I am glad you are sharing what you are sharing -- a lot of wholesalers right now -- are excited about this increased market right now. I am telling you, if you look at history -- this is not going to stay this way forever.

David: Oh absolutely.

Shaun: Most people have expenses that they can't shut off in an instant, even if they want to. I am going to tell you, in 2007/2008 will repeat itself again, and I think it will happen sometime in the next couple of years.

David: I am with you on that man. It is feeling a lot like -- 2004/5/6 right now that's for sure. Absolutely. Shaun, thank you so much for being a guest. I don’t want to keep you; I know you have another call. I am looking super excited, super forward to coming out to the event that you said is going to be on June 10th and 11th, is that correct?

Shaun: June 22nd through 24th actually.

David: 22nd to 24th, that's right. We are going to put that in out show notes, we are going to get this episode published by the end of the week. Again, thank you so much for joining us today. Maybe we can do it again after we do the three day seminar --

Shaun: Yeah. Let's do that for sure man. I don’t often do that after the event, so let’s do that for sure, then we can hear -- if you don’t mind, I might want to turn the tables and interview you a little bit --

David: That would be sweet, I would be more than happy to do that with you.

Shaun: Sounds good man.

David: Awesome. Shaun thanks again, buddy. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Shaun: Okay, man. Thank you guys.

David: Cya buddy.

Mike: Want to wrap up?

David: Alright guys, that was an awesome episode with Shaun McCloskey, he is the owner and founder of Lifeonaire. Lifeonaire is a business that teachers people how to take back their freedom in their life, business, entrepreneurship and -- life in general isn’t all about money. It’s not all about success; it is not always defined by money. We are super happy to have Shaun on the show today. Don’t forget to check out As well as, if you are looking to wholesale some deals, we have put together a free course for you guys. Probably sick and tired of us telling you in every episode. But it is an awesome resource, it is free, check it out. Anything you want to add, Mike?

Mike: Thanks for listening guys.

David: Thanks guys.

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