Real EstateĀ Blog &Ā Podcast

Episode 86: The Perfect Seller Appointment with Steve Trang

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 22, 2022

Show Notes

The Perfect Seller Appointment with Steve Trang was an AWESOME episode.   David interviews Steve about his Perfect Seller Appointment and I have to tell you.  This episode is JAMMED PACKED full of gold nuggets and we took a LOT of notes.  See below for the show notes:

What is wrong with Today's system.

The first thing that homeowners do is: Lie to you, Steal your time, Steal your information, they mislead you, and then they hide from you!

If you are the only person coming - They have 6-7 other investors... Furthermore, if they have 6-7 other investors coming... You are the ONLY ONE!   Why do they lie to you?

They also steal your knowledge by asking what's going on in the market.  Next, they will Mislead you...  I need to talk it over with my wife.  They just tell you what they think will make you go away :)

Prospect Protection Program -> You get unlimited access to their VM.  LOL, They get offended when you call from another phone.  (now that they have stolen all your knowledge they think that they don't need you anymore)

So they lie, they steal, they mislead, and Hide!   SO What we do, we qualify, we talk about our offer, then we close.

We often close too hard or we use an alternative closes. (is this cash or charge, would you like this in red or blue, will you be taking this home today or picking it up tomorrow?) Also, there is the Pro and Con close.

Episode Transcripts

David: Alright guys, welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. This is your host David Dodge, my partner Mike Slane, my cost house is in the field today buying us some houses. I have already ran three miles today and looked at two houses, it's early, I am ready to rock.

So I was at an event recently, it was an event Max Maxwell was hosting, and there was break out sessions. In one of the breakouts, a gentleman by the name of Steve Trang was giving a talk about running seller appointments. I approached Steve and we became friends. Now I have Steve on my episode, so welcome everybody Steve Trang. Steve how are you today my man?

Steve: I am doing good, thank you for having me on your show.

David: Hey thanks for coming. We have a growing audience of listeners and viewers, and it is all things real estate, man, unscripted. Let's jump in. Steve, when I had met you at the event, there-- how many people were at that event, do you know?

Steve: Over a thousand.

David: Over a thousand, a massive group of people, massive. There were break out sessions which I loved. I saw your topic about talking to the motivated sellers, and running the appointments, building rapport. I have been doing this full time for four years and I am pretty good at it. Last year we bought 98 houses.

Steve: That's awesome.

David: -- wholesale deals, and I just wrote a book, right? I am pretty good at it, but I am always looking to go learn new things. -- in the breakout and I was intrigued by some of the things you were saying. However, a lot of the audience at the event was new, newbies, they hadn't done deals, they had only done a couple of deals. We all start there, so that's okay. I wasn't upset about that at all. However, you weren't really able to get through the presentation because of all the questions that came through. So I wanted to bring you on the show-- run through what you were teaching at the event, so this should be easy for you. But also talk about another-- an up coming event that you are going to be throwing to kind of break this down on a more granular level, is that correct?

Steve: Right. Yeah absolutely, so what we are going to go over-- we are going to go over what I consider the most important part of our process, there are like six different steps of it, but we are going to go over the most important part. Then when we do the workshop, we will talk more about the workshop later on, but the workshop we are going to go over the entire process.

David: So at the event, what was the name of the talk you were giving? Was it 'the perfect seller appointment'? Okay cool awesome. So if you are new to real estate investing, Steve is going to talk about running what we like to call 'the perfect seller appointment'. Steve you have the floor my man, thank you.

Steve: Thank you. So this is something I came across last year by pure [00:03:36.05 - inaudible], because I have a couple of buddies that also buy houses. If they just want to come hang out with us, we all hang out at this spot-- it's called [00:03:46.14 - inaudible] it's like okay let me go check it out. As I am going into it, it's like, wow this approach to talking to home owners completely different. My biggest struggle is-- my background a little bit, I'm a former engineer. So I tend to be too intellectual, not really do a lot of the feeling stuff. I think maybe growing up in an Asian family, right? If you cry you got beat. It was a tough [00:04:14.13 - inaudible].

David: That's aggressive.

Steve. That's the way it was growing up. We don't do a lot with the feeling stuff, and I am definitely more intellectual in general, so when I meet with a person it's like, okay here's our situation, here's the offer, the offer for the house, and that's kind of it, right? Take it or leave it. What happened a lot was I would talk about numbers, I talk about the process, there would be a lot of talking, and at the very end we always got-- let me think it over. Changing the way you approach the appointment would drastically change the outcome. If you look at the-- if you're meeting with a home owner. The idea best case scenario is yes, we come to terms, we've got a contract. That is the very best case. Number two for you newer guys, the second best possible outcome is a no. A no means there is no wasted follow up time, there is no checking in, hey what's going on, a no is a no. One of the worst things you can do as a sales person is have this unrealistic pipeline, right? Like you have this list of homeowners, like oh that's going to close, [00:05:27.01 - inaudible], all your B and C clients. Realistically, they are not B and C clients, they are dead, they just haven't told you yet.

David: Right.

Steve: So the worst possible case is think it over, where a lot of my world was not too long ago. For the people that are listening right now, you have to think about how many times have you had a home owner say, what's your price? What's your cash offer? If you tell them right there in the very beginning, you can kick out, right?

David: Typically that's the case, yes.

Steve: There is that, or you run through the whole thing then you get, oh let me think it over. Or the other thing you can have is still think it over, and after they tell you they want to think it over, you follow back up with them, oh we went with somebody else.

David: Right.

Steve: You would rather find out right then and there if there are going to go with somebody else, because at least then you can fight it, and still get a win out of it, versus finding out-- oh you never had a shot, but it tells you they didn't want to take it over and then you lost.

David: Sure.

Steve: One of the other things too is that [00:06:33.25 - inaudible] to think it over, it's 100% your fault. There is no way to sugar coat it. Darren Hardy is a great idol of mine, and one of the things he says is, you get what you tolerate.

David: You get what you tolerate. That's true, I love that.

Steve: Right, and you are allowing people to walk all over you, guess what's going to keep happening? People are going to keep walking all over you. You allow people to be late, they are going to keep showing up late. If you run a business, if you allow your employees to be late, what's going to happen every week?

David: We have an employee right now, it's funny you bring that up. We only require her to work six hour days, we don't care if we necessarily win, because we know we can't count on her, but we love the jobs she does. Six hours, did you get your six in today? It's funny.

Steve: So how this applies to us is, if you are allowing a home owner to say I want to think it over, even if you get, I want to think it over. So this approach works great if you want to be able to trouble shoot with your team afterwards or even yourself on the sales calls, or the physicall appointments. If you want to figure out where it's going wrong, having a structured system helps with that. If you are an awesome closer-- because let's face it, some of us are naturally born great closers, and others are not. So if you are a natural closer but your team is not, this is another thing you can do to help them step it up. However this process is not so great if you [00:08:00.11 - inaudible] pants. If you want consistency, it is great to follow the system. If you just want to go and kind of wing it, there are some people that just want to wing it.

David: Yeah, you know I like consistency, I love it. Let's jump in. Tell us what the perfect seller appointment looks like.

Steve: Well before we move onto the perfect seller appointment, let's just talk about what is wrong with today's system. So today's system, when you walk into a home owners house, the first thing they do is lie to you, they steal your time, they steal your information, they mislead you, and then they hide from you. It's brutal--.

David: I'm listening to this, and then there was about 45 minutes of random questions. What--. Alright go on, I love it, because you are so right, that is exactly what they are going to do.

Steve: It's brutal, right? But it is also brutally honest. So one of my favourite TV shows was House. If you guys have ever watched it, it's just a really bitter doctor, and no matter what you've told him, [00:09:02.13 - inaudible] it doesn't matter and he would just disregard it. What he said is that everybody lies, maybe not intentionally, but everybody lies.

David: Right.

Steve: So what are some of those lies? The best example I have is I used to do a lot of Pay-Per-Click marketing. The Pay-Per-Click marketing was I will buy your house, close in three days, all cash, okay? They would fill out the form, I would call them, and the first thing they would say is that they are not in a rush.

David: Right, we do Pay-Per-Click marketing.

Steve: Yeah, I'm not in a rush, I'm not in a hurry, I got time. You hear this, rediculous, why the hell did you click on my ad then? The other thing too, I don't know why, but this has happened to me a lot, I don't know if this happens to other people. But if you are the only person coming, I'm talking to six or seven other investors.

David: Oh yeah.

Steve: But if they have multiple investors coming they are like, oh you are the only one we're talking to. Why are you lying to me? Just tell me the truth.

David: So I am going to say something real quick, because I don't want to take away from what you're saying, but I went on an appointment this morning, and I sent this guy a contract yesterday, but it was from one of my acquisition managers, I was sending it on his behalf. The offer was 50,000, we originally offered 45 but came up to 50. So I go out there on behalf of my one my acquisition managers who had something else to do today to help him. I get there, so this guy does not know I'm with the the same company he's dealing with already. He's like, yeah yeah take a look around, 53 and it's yours. I'm like, do you not realize I am with the guy that sent you the offer for 50 already? Everyone is lying all the time. I already have this under contract with you at 50 and you are telling me 53. It's funny, go ahead-- that's today.

Steve: So the other thing too is we are putting put a lot of blame and angst on the home owner, but in reality just think about every single one of us, right? Let's just say right now [00:11:10.23 - inaudible] skip tracing service and I go on the website, I fill it out and they call me. What's the first thing I say? Oh I was just looking.

David: Yeah.

Steve: We are just as bad. Or you walk into an Apple store to buy an iPhone, and you are like oh I'm just looking. You went to buy a freaking iPhone, but you want to be left alone, we do it and we are just as bad. I like to tell stories about my little girl. She's eight now, but before she even turned two we walked into [00:11:41.20 - inaudible], and the lady is like, can I help you? And she said, go away.

David: The truth right there.

Steve: The brutal truth because she doesn't know how to lie yet. Now she knows how to say, I'm just looking. They steal your time and they steal your knowledge. So when they are stealong your time, what is going on? What does that mean? They call you right? So you do the intake call, then you do the CMA, your market analysis, that's twenty minutes, right? Thirty minutes if it takes you longer of it is a more difficult comp. To do a comp it might drive you 30 minutes, it might take you an hour and a half to get there. You run the appointment, a solid appointment, hour, hour and a half, shitty appointment ten minutes, whatever.

David: Right.

Steve: Then you've got your drive back. So they are taking your time, they want to steal your knowledge, they want to know what's going on in the market, what is going on in the neighborhood, what their house is worth, what the other investors will pay. These are all the things they are stealing, and they are not promising you anything, right?

David: Correct.

Steve: Then they will mislead you, because after you have given them all the information, I need to think it over, I like your offer, let me talk to my husband, let me talk to my wife, like me talk to my son, let me talk to my daughter. All that crap. I need to sleep on it, I need to pray about it, whatever they can tell you so that you will go away. Mistakenly they will think they don't need you any more, so they will just tell you what they need to tell you to go away.

David: Right.

Steve: What happens after they think it over, is this government agency where if someone doesn't want to talk to a sales person any more they disappear, the [00:13:27.18 - inaudible] protection program, right? I don't know if you guys ran into it. But now they have stolen all your knowledge they don't need you any more, or they think they don't need you any more. So you get unlimited access to their voicemail. You can call their voice mail anytime you want, morning, afternoon, you can always go straight to voicemail.

David: I love this.

Steve: But also you will call them from a different phone and they will answer, and they will get offended that you have pierced their master plan to hide from you.

David: Yeah, they get offended, right?

Steve: So they lie, they steal, they mislead, they hide. So what do we do? We qualify, we talk about our offer, then we try to close them, right? So what does that mean? How much do you want for your house Mr Homeowner? How soon did you want to move? Those are really crappy questions and we will talk about why later on. But the day after that we talk about our offer. Your house is worth X because A, B, and C. We talk about the market, we talk about what other investors are willing to pay. Then we try really hard to sell them on working with us, and how the process works. We love this part, it's our favourite part, because most of us love hearing ourselves talk. This is the excellent part, this is the most fun part for us. After we do all the talking we try to close. Closing for a lot of us that are trained through other systems, we are either closing too hard or we are closing too soft. Closing too hard is that classic-- you write the paperwork out, you fill it out, you put the pen on it, you rotate it 180 degrees, lay it across the table and stare. The first one to talk loses, right? That's a classic closing technique. The other is alternative close. You guys are familiar with-- with this be cash or credit? Paper or plastic? Do you want that car in red or blue? Did you want to close on this house in the middle of May or you looking to move in June? That's alternative deceptive close. Then we have the Benjamin Franklin close, let's put a T on the left side, we have all the pros to work with us on the left hand side, got the cons, and we are going to fill it all out. We are going to help them so much in filling out that side, right? The reasons to take our offer. The cons, [00:15:46.22 - inaudible], let them fill it out. Well you have seven pros and three cons, that's the reason you should take our offer.

David: Yeah.

Steve: So those are some of the hard closes, then you have the super soft closes which is what I was really guilty of, which is you go through the whole thing, then right at the very end, good now that we have talked about this, what do you think? That's the crappiest possible close you can have, but that was my close, so what do you think?

David: So what do you think about my offer? Right.

Steve: What is the natural answer to that question?

David: Oh it's a shitty offer, of course, always.

Steve: Or let me think about it.

David: Or let me think about it, right. Which just means I'm lying.

Steve: Which means I'm lying. So if we know that they lie to us, then we try to qualify with bad questions, that is not going to work in our favour. If we know they are just going to steal our information, and we are just going to talk about information, again they are defeating our systems. If we just try to close and this mislead and hide, how is that system working for us? It's pretty good, it works, but we could do a lot better, right?

David: It does work. But it's a pretty bad system, right.

Steve: It is very [00:17:01.10 - inaudible], right? We are working against each other in this system. So what we do differently is we just qualify, we uncover then confirm. So the way I like to describe is-- if you take a sketch artist, if you go-- let's say you were mugged, right? Go to the police station, here is a sketch artist over here and you describe the guy. What his head was like, eyebrows, eyes, nose the mouth, whatever. Like every ten or fifteen minutes he will turn around, is this what you said? Is this what he looked like? No, his eyes were a little further apart. Okay he will draw some more, okay how about now? His nose was a little taller, whatever. But it is a communication between both parties to come together for the desired outcome. That is the goal here when we are talking about the perfect seller appointment.

David: I love it, okay.

Steve: So what we want to do, one sec, let me grab my charger.

David: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: So what we want to do is create rules of engagement, and what rules of engagement basically means is you are not allowed to take over, and we are just discussing it upfront in the very beginning and the meaning. What we call this is think it over pressure. In order to have it [00:18:19.29 - inaudible] rules of agreement, we need to establish the purpose of the meeting, what the seller's agenda is, what our agenda is, a clear outcome for the meeting. That is the most important part is-- not the most important part but an important part of it is the outcome, right? Yes, no-- and when they say yes, what exactly yes means.

David: Got it, so how do you open up the door to present your agenda and ask them at the same time what their agenda is?

Steve: Yeah, so great question. So what we do in our team, when we go to these appointments, we use-- we call it a ton. Aton is really easy to remember, because we all want to make aton of money. So aton stands for appreciate typically obviously naturally. So we start off, David I appreciate you for inviting me into your home, typically home owners we meet with want to know what we do, what we are willing to pay and how soon you can get your money. Am I missing anything? No, those are the same questions you are going to get every time, right? Obviously, David, for me to be able to answer some of these questions for you I am going to have to ask you some questions. Some of them may even be very personal, would you be comfortable with that? Yes, and that's important. If you get that agreement upfront, later on, a personal question, oh sorry David remember at the beginning I was telling you I had to ask some personal questions? Are we still good with that?

David: Okay so A.T.O.N, aton, what do they stand for again? This is great, this is gold right here.

Steve: Appreciate typically obviously naturally. Naturally is-- naturally at the end of our meeting today, one of two things is going to happen. Either we don't do business together or we do. So David, if you don't feel comfortable with our offer, if it doesn't make sense for you, would you feel alright telling me that it doesn't make sense for you?

David: Absolutely!

Steve: If you don't say anything besides a yes, can I just assume it's a no?

David: Sure, yeah.

Steve: Alright.

David: Yeah.

Steve: Likewise, David we might decide at the very end of this that this is not one of the two houses I am going to buy between here and next month. If I tell you I am not going to buy your house, is that alright with you?

David: Yeah.

Steve: Okay, on the other hand, we may decide this is the house we want to buy and this is the house you want to sell to us. If that's the case what we are going to do is fill out the paperwork, getting that all in writing, is that fair?

David: That's fair, that's fair, absolutely.

Steve: So that's what we do, that's our upfront agreement. At that point we are either doing this together at the end, or we are not and there is no confusion one way or another. Now if we didn't do an excellent job of disqualifying or qualifying over the phone whether there are other decision makers, other investors coming in. They are going to tell you right then and there that they can't have this agreement, right? Oh I'm meeting with two other investors later on. So they say, oh my biggest fear David is that we are going to go on the understanding of the situation, make you an offer you are going to like, but you are not going to be able to do anything about because you have these other two investors. Did I get that right?

David: So how do you get around that?

Steve: That's what I ask the home owner and they are like, yeah, and I'm like, okay we have a problem.

David: Got it, okay.

Steve: I say, well someone has to call these investors to tell them not to come.

David: Do you want me to do i

Steve: Would you like me to do that for you?

David: Right?

Steve: And that is just a slide our right, we don't necessarily need to make that call. But then we are getting it out the way, or they are saying, well this is a really important decision, I can't make a decision like this in one day. Well David, I have enough time here for us to work this out together. If you feel comfortable asking me enough questions so you would know that you are working with the right person.

David: Yeah.

Steve: And we put it right back in their court, right? It's not our fault. You need to ask enough questions so we can figure out if this makes sense or not.

David: Okay so you are empowering them?

Steve: Right, we want them to kick us out and tell us no, but the last thing we want is to think it over. Sometimes they will say, well you know what? I have made a commitment, I have promised the other two investors that we are going to be meeting with all of them. I go, okay great, David, I understand that, I came out here to buy a house, I didn't just come out here to talk. [00:23:06.13 - inaudible].  And we will leave.

David: You won't make an offer?

Steve: No, we leave.

David: Wow, okay, interesting.

Steve: There is no point in making an offer if they are meeting with other-- because we want to lock it up. [00:23:24.03 - inaudible] I used to run into a lot, is that I would make an offer, then I would leave, then it would tell the other investor where they need to be, then they will beat it, or they will take a lower offer because I won't be able to defend myself. It's like, we are here to buy a house, if you are ready to sell us your house today, no big deal--.

David: We will go and find another one.

Steve: Right.

David: That's our goal though, I get it. That's beautiful, I love that.

Steve: It's really important that we position ourselves properly, right? We are here to buy between now and the end of the month, or the quarter or whatever, we are looking to buy two or three more houses, we just need to verify this is the house we are going to buy. It doesn't sound like you are ready to sell today, so we are going to go look at another house. That's it.

David: That's it, I love that. Wow. In the event that they say-- I am not the decision maker, it's my son. Like I ran an appointment yesterday, the son had gone through a divorce, he was at work, he had had already moved into his parent's house with his daughter, right? The dad met me at the house, so he didn't own it, he didn't have signature authority with me. Luckily for me they called off the radio, and I asked him, are you going to bring other investors out here? He said, no I wasn't planning on it. I actually encourage them to do so, just because I feel like it is going to make them trust me for one, and two, typically when I say that they don't. They say, oh yeah that's a good idea, then they just trust me even more. It can backfire, everything can backfire. You guys leaving can backfire because one of those other two people could essentially get the deal. Both ways have flaws, right? I was just curious on what your approach was when you are not meeting with the decision maker, or you have to have five people sign off [00:25:32.23 - inaudible] complications where you need five people to sign something.

Steve: So there is five people, so there is something we do that is-- it's a little bit of a game, right? So let's say the wife has already moved to Texas, it's just the husband here, right? He has to relay everything to her, there is no way she can be physically present. In those situations-- like if people can't be present we are coming back, but if they can't be present for whatever reason, hey David, we are going to go through the whole thing. Alright David when you go talk to your wife, let me ask you, when she says, hey on a scale of 1-10 how much do we like Steve's offer? You said, what do you tell her?

David: Again I love it, we are empowering them.

Steve: You say, ten, great we're good. You say seven-- oh shoot, we miss something, what did we miss?

David: Right.

Steve: We want you to be at a ten when you go talk to her.

David: They become the sales person at that point, which is difficult because-- they may be dealing with family. Most of the time they are. I love that.

Steve: So the other thing we will do, this kind of goes back to what we were talking about a minute ago, we will go for no. So we will go for no as quickly as we can. So sometimes-- we need to go somewhere else like we are buying a house today, no no please don't go, right?

David: Can you repeat that one more time, Steve?

Steve: We have got to go for no at the appointment. Just because we said no doesn't mean that the meeting is necessarily over. So we are like, David this doesn't sound like the house we are going to buy today, if you want to talk to other investors I understand. I will come back later, when should I come back? You will be like, oh shit Steve is leaving.

David: Right. I love it. So your main objective, you and your team is to walk out the house with the signed contract.

Steve: We are going to get a signed contract and that's it. When we do follow ups sometimes there is a follow ups, but there is a lot more yes or not than there is follow ups, there is a lot fewer follow ups than there were before.

David: Right, because at that point you know the answer is yes or not. Kind of eliminates the need for follow up unless it is needed of course, interesting, that's awesome, man. I love the approach. I love that they lie, cheat, steal the above man, because they do. It happened to me today.

Steve: It happened to you today, and just like you were saying-- like you should go talk to other investors, we do the exact same thing-- a realtor, that's great, so when are you going to sign with that realtor? Oh I am talking to other investors, awesome, I am sure their offer is higher than ours. What are you guys closing with the other investor?

David: Right.

Steve: We haven't signed the contract yet. Oh-- why haven't you signed the other contract? They will tell you why, what's wrong with the other contract so when you make that offer you take care of that problem, button that up.

David: That's another great strategy. Man I love it.

Steve: So go for no, sometimes [00:28:52.17 - inaudible] we have this like, we are just too far apart, David. We are not going to be able to buy your house, and we will leave. Then we will get a call later on or maybe during, oh you know what? We can do this. It is classic negotiations, but how many of us feel comfortable actually doing it?

David: Yeah the only time I feel comfortable leaving a situation is if I am at a car dealership.

Steve: Right exactly.

David: Right? That's trained into you, you have to leave if you don't like the deal. But I have never left on that type-- the way that it is being framed I think is brilliant. It's like, I am here to do business, if you don't want to do business with me right now, then I am going to go do business with somebody else, and here is my number, call me when you're ready. I am not here to waste time. I love that, because I was just talking the other day, I had-- me and Garry Boomershine did a podcast today, he is the owner of REI Vault and We were talking-- we talked about so many things. But one of the things we were talking about is how a lot of these people-- they are just liars, they lie to you. It folds in so well with this episode. Steve, good stuff, man, good stuff. Tell us about your event.

Steve: So the event, we are going to be doing it on May 25th, so about a month from today. It is memorial day weekend, so I did a poor job of planning, because I am an action taker and details often get missed.

David: Sure, it happens.

Steve: So what happens is-- it is going to be the Saturday memorial day weekend, so-- it's an all day event, it is-- we are going to go over this in greater detail, so we are going to go over this, go over the course over two or three hours. We are going to do some role play too, because this is a whole other language. Your brain is not wired towards it, so you have to practice too on some of the tools we are talking about today. Then after that-- we provide breakfast, lunch and dinner, we are going to break up for lunch, we are going to stop by my office, the hotel is across from my office. I intentionally chose a hotel that is close and convenient and also cheap. It's not like a bad hotel, it is just stupidly priced so it's good for everybody.

David: Cool.

Steve: And so we are going to break up for lunch, stop by my office, go back, then the rest of the day we are just going to implement my entire blue print, how my team is running deals. So-- you know-- I have spent a couple hundred grand on personal development, and in doing so I know I go to a conference and I have this yellow legal pad they always give you, that's always one of the freebies they give you. You fill it out and you will have two or three pages, sometimes you have five to seven pages, and you bring it back home and there is so much crap on there. If you are anything like me, it sits on a desk and nothing gets done. That's the worst thing that can happen. What we are doing is encouraging everybody-- everybody has to bring their laptop, and we are going to implement my entire business in the second half of the day. So when you leave at seven, you are basically going to have a franchise of our operations. So you can't help but dominate when you get back to your market.

David: Man that sounds awesome. So where would someone go to learn more about this event, purchase some tickets? Do you have a website set for it?

Steve: No, I don't have a website because we are actually trying to make this a small event. So we only want to have 30 people, because I don't generally believe you can [00:32:15.01 - inaudible] more than 30 people. I want to make this like a classroom when we grew up in school. What I am having right now-- everyone has to go and apply for this. So I have it-- if you go onto my Instagram profile there is a link in there for applying for the workshop. You have to apply, have to make sure it makes sense for everybody, because what I don't want is somebody on their last dollar, because it doesn't make sense for them to come. I don't necessarily want someone who is doing ten deals a month. If you are doing ten deals a month go to a better event than mine. This is for someone that is doing between zero and ten deals a year, looking to just add fuel to their business.

David: Add fuel to their business, I love it, man. So it's an application you can fill out if you're interested. The event is on Saturday memorial day weekend, that's coming up in a couple of weeks here. What's the exact date?

Steve: May 25th.

David: May 25th? Okay cool. So that is a month essentially from yesterday here. Then they can apply on your Instagram like the link on your Instagram. What is the handle name?

Steve: Steve.Trang.

David: Man I love it, man that's awesome. Steve, thank you so much for coming on the show. I like these episodes where there's tons of nuggets that are given. It wasn't a crazy long episode as well, a lot of our listeners and viewers provide a lot of feedback that they like the shorter clips.

Steve: Awesome.

David: Thanks for coming on. Guys if you are new to real estate investing check out, or the book we just wrote, Mike and myself David Dodge and Mike Slane my co-host and partner, 'The ultimate guide to wholesaling real estate'. It is available on Amazon. Steve, you have a podcast as well, tell us a little bit about your podcast.

Steve: Yeah it's Real Estate Disruptors, it's basically just all these guys just crushing it in their business. So we have been-- we recorded our 53rd episode just a couple of days ago, we have been up and running for about a year. It's just these guys-- you look at this massive operations and think it has to be complicated. They have got problems just like we all have problems. They might have different kinds of problems, but they are just opening up the entire business for people-- it's funny, I get the feed back a lot and you ask the best questions, you know? You are asking the exact questions I want to ask. For me, you know why? Because I want to know what the hell is going on in their business.

David: Yeah absolutely. I love that. So Real Estate Disruptors, that's the name of the podcast?

Steve: Uh huh, you can find it on Itunes or check it on Youtube.

David: Alright guys, check it out, Steve Trang, Real Estate Disruptors, this is David Dodge your host, we are signing off until next time.

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