Free Wholesale Course

How To Flip Properties With Little To No Money!


Course Description

David Dodge & Mike Slane have created this FREE wholesale course to teach people how to get started in investing in Real Estate with little to NO Money out of pocket. Mike and David are seasoned real estate investors and they specialize in wholesaling and want to share with you how simple the wholesaling business really is. They have created this free course that they are GIVING AWAY to help you get started making money and investing in Real Estate so you too can get started right away. This course is focused on keeping it simple and showing you not only what wholesaling is, but how it works and what you need to do to get started today! Thanks for checking it out and we hope you learn a ton from our free course.

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 All Included FREE!


The lessons in this section teach you exactly WHAT wholesaling real estate is, HOW it works, and WHY you should learn how to wholesale real estate.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly HOW to find Motivated Sellers so you can trade "Convenience to them for a Discounted Price"


The lessons in this section teach you exactly HOW to Make Offers to the Motivated Sellers that you find through your marketing efforts.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly How to use a contract to secure a property so you can get control and/or equitable Interest.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly How to market your Deals to all the Cash Buyers in your local area so you can flip them with none of your $$


The lessons in this section teach you exactly What a Real Estate Closing is and how to get your Motivated Sellers and Your Cash Buyers to Close Together!

Take The Free Course Now!

About the Creators

David Dodge

David Dodge is a full-time real estate professional with over 15 years of real estate expertise. In addition to working with House Sold Easy, he owns and operates a real estate property management firm out of Saint Louis Missouri. Mr Dodge has been involved in over 500 real estate negotiations, purchases, and sales. He loves wholesaling properties for huge profits and love even more to teach these strategies to all of his students.


Mike Slane

Michael Slane is a full-time real estate professional actively investing in St. Louis since 2009 in residential multi-family and single-family homes. Michael is co-founder and a Senior Buyer for House Sold Easy in the St. Louis, MO market. House Sold Easy pays cash for houses in all conditions and focuses on developing win-win solutions for property owners, sellers and buyers.

We Wrote The Book On Wholesaling Houses!

Check Out Our Book "The Ultimate Guide To Wholesaling Real Estate" Available On Amazon and Audible.Ā 

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Free Wholesale Course

How To Flip Properties With Little To No Money!


Course Description

David Dodge & Mike Slane have created this FREE wholesale course to teach people how to get started in investing in Real Estate with little to NO Money out of pocket. Mike and David are seasoned real estate investors and they specialize in wholesaling and want to share with you how simple the wholesaling business really is. They have created this free course that they are GIVING AWAY to help you get started making money and investing in Real Estate so you too can get started right away. This course is focused on keeping it simple and showing you not only what wholesaling is, but how it works and what you need to do to get started today! Thanks for checking it out and we hope you learn a ton from our free course.

Take Free Course Now!



Ā All Included FREE!


The lessons in this section teach you exactly WHAT wholesaling real estate is, HOW it works, and WHY you should learn how to wholesale real estate.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly HOW to find Motivated Sellers so you can trade "Convenience to them for a Discounted Price"


The lessons in this section teach you exactly HOW to Make Offers to the Motivated Sellers that you find through your marketing efforts.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly How to use a contract to secure a property so you can get control and/or equitable Interest.


The lessons in this section teach you exactly How to market your Deals to all the Cash Buyers in your local area so you can flip them with none of your $$


The lessons in this section teach you exactly What a Real Estate Closing is and how to get your Motivated Sellers and Your Cash Buyers to Close Together!

Take The Free Course Now!

About the Creators

David Dodge

David Dodge is a full-time real estate professional with over 15 years of real estate expertise. In addition to working with House Sold Easy, he owns and operates a real estate property management firm out of Saint Louis Missouri. Mr Dodge has been involved in over 500 real estate negotiations, purchases, and sales. He loves wholesaling properties for huge profits and love even more to teach these strategies to all of his students.


Mike Slane

Michael Slane is a full-time real estate professional actively investing in St. Louis since 2009 in residential multi-family and single-family homes. Michael is co-founder and a Senior Buyer for House Sold Easy in the St. Louis, MO market. House Sold Easy pays cash for houses in all conditions and focuses on developing win-win solutions for property owners, sellers and buyers.

We Wrote The Book On Wholesaling Houses!

Check Out Our Book "The Ultimate Guide To Wholesaling Real Estate" Available On Amazon and Audible.Ā 

Get The Book Now!


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