Exhaust yourself
You should go to bed so exhausted everyday that you fall asleep as soon
as your head hits the pillow.
Otherwise you're not working hard enough!
I sleep like a baby every night because I work hard all day long.
People that are truly giving their all everyday have no problem sleeping.
You don't have a sleeping problem. You have an effort problem.
You're probably not trying hard onough!
Make every minute of every hour COUNT.
Successful people aren't crazy. Normal people are!
You should want to win and be more competitive than everyone else.
Stop looking for EASY. Stop looking for pleasune.
You will be much happier if you have good things that you're striving for
rather than constantly allowing yourself short temporary sources of
pleasure and rest that does nothing for you or your people.
If everyone around you is telling you, you need to chill out, then you need
to find new friends.
Find people that are giving their all everyday and that have big crazy
These are the people you need to be frends with.
These people are hard to find in everyday life, so you need to go online!
That's what Real Estate Skool was created for. I want to be surounded
by winners and I want to help others become winners with me.
Losers don't want to be helped. I've learned the hard way and invested
too much time and energy into people that dont really want to change.
From now on going forward I am only interestad in people who are
serious about change and that put in the effort and TAKE ACTION DAILY.
If you're not doing things evaryday you do not want it bad enough.
Winners don't care about your excuses.
What are you doing everyday to get yourself closer to who you wanna be
and where you wanna be?
Most of the time, problems are solved by either CORRECTING or
That's it!
But you need to be surrounded by winners to show you what you're
doing wrong to save you the time and pain.
Or maybe just to reasaure and remind you that you are doing the right
things. Maybe you just need to stick with it long enough to see success
or maybe you need someone to tell you that need to be doing MORE
of what you're already doing.
lf you're serious about change, get some REAL triends that will actually
help you get better and learn how to grow a massively successful real
estate business HERE