If your environment isn’t serving you, get in a new one ASAP!
Your environment is everything!
If your surroundings are dragging you down, get the hell out now. Life is too short to waste anymore time being ineffective.
Your environment isn’t something you can slack on. It’s where you mentally go to war everyday.
The right environment will make you 10x more effective. The right environment will show you what’s possible, it’ll lift you up higher than you ever thought you could go, and it will literally mold a greater version of yourself that you didn’t know existed.
Don’t make your mission harder than it needs to be.
If you’re surrounded by lazy people, tired people, whiners, crybabies, victims, and negativity 24/7, it’s weakening you.
That’s your baseline. I’d bet big that environment beats discipline any day. You can grind hard, but if you’re surrounded by energy vampires who give nothing back, you’re screwed.
There’s no way you can keep up with the elite who’ve thoughtfully curated their environment to maximize productivity.
If you have to move, MOVE. Hunt down winners. Live by yourself if that’s what it takes. Get an office if you need it to feel more professional. And get mentorship from someone who’s accomplished what you’re striving for.
If you’re serious about crushing it in real estate this year, you gotta become a member of our team at Real Estate Skool:
- I host 3 coaching calls a week to hold you accountable, answer any questions you have, and teach you the daily marketing strategies we’re doing in our own business to land deals.
- When you join you’ll also get FREE ACCESS to our new Discount Property Leads software so that you can have a competitive edge over your competition and pull the best marketing lists to get to deals before your competitors.
- And we have 24/7 live group chat with a network of serious investors including myself, ready to support you with any question or obstacle you come across along your journey to success.
Your life will most likely continue to stay stagnant until you take action and decide to ditch the dead weight. Bet on yourself and get in on the best real estate environment out there here: