Never get hung up on deals
Never feel good about deals that might go through.
Always be pushing for more.
Never be content.
As soon as you do one deal it’s on to the next one.
To play with the big dogs and really level up in business you need to not be getting emotional about deals.
Doing deals should be the expectation. If you’re not performing then you have work to do! If things are going well you still have work to do. Either way you KEEP GOING!
Constantly take action and DO MORE no matter what’s going on with your other deals.
Make every day count and never waste time.
You’re climbing mount everest and you still have a long way to go.
So don’t stop!
But climbing alone is hard. Being around people that are hungry to win and being around people that have been to the top makes the mission a lot easier.
If you want help with ANYTHING: cold calling, marketing, fixing and flipping, rehabs, creative deals, slow slips, landlording, finding deals, wholesaling, etc. WE WILL HELP YOU!
Winners help out winners because winners reciprocate! One day, all the time you spend investing in other good hearted people that wanna win will come back to you. It’s the law of reciprocation and it’s real.
But if you invest that time on people that don’t really wanna change, then you’re just wasting time. So make sure you’re paying attention to a person’s true intentions and how serious they actually are.
We get together for weekly calls and you can get any real estate question you have answered in the community feed ASAP by me and other investors.
Elevate your game here:
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