Never come across desperate
To become great and do as many real estate deals as you can in the least amount of time, you need to be a great negotiator.
Being a great negotiator first starts with viewing the world abundantly and never being desperate.
If you need a deal, then you’re not in a good negotiating position.
You should want deals, but you never need them.
Never be too attached to one deal, if the numbers aren’t smart, walk away.
You have to not care about what other people think and you have to be in the habit of making low offers all of the time.
If you’re making a bunch of low offers everyday, sometimes you’re gonna get deals that most people don’t think are even possible.
And most the time you’re gonna end up meeting with the seller somewhere in the middle.
But if you anchor your offers really low, then that point in the middle that you end up buying at is still a good deal.
The more volume you do, the less you need one individual deal. So make sure your always doing a ton of marketing.
Make sure you’re always doing a ton of follow up and exercising productive patience, which means you’re being patient with one deal so you can get the seller to cave and give you the numbers you want over time, but during that time you’re continuing to work and make as many low offers as possible on other deals.
If you want to learn how to make the smartest offers, negotiate better, win more deals, and reach your highest potential in your real estate business, you need to join our team at Real Estate Skool! Inside, we collaborate to teach each other and share our best marketing strategies to dominate our markets. We offer a live group chat that’s available 24/7 to answer any real estate questions you have on your journey.
We’ll teach you all the basics of operations, plus some advanced moves to set your business apart. Every week, we get together for 3 - hour plus long coaching calls to review your deals, dive into your marketing, and answer your questions in detail. You’ll also continually learn key lessons we’ve figured out along the way, so you can be ahead of the things and get to the top of the game as quickly as possible.
So if you’re ready to team up with the best and create the greatest real estate business you possibly can, join us here: Real Estate Skool